Moving from PRK to Penn...


New member
I've just learned that I've recieved admission for a professional school and I'll be moving from California to Pennsylvania within the month. I've lived in California all my life, and I admit I'm a bit scared of this move. But we do what we must do, and this is where I want to be.

I was wondering if I could ask some questions regarding some concerns of mine.

I was wondering if I need to do anything in this relocation regarding my ownership of my firearms. Anything California related? And anything Pennsylvania related?

I've also been able to start looking into the possibility of obtaining a ccw. I realize now that if I had taken the opportunity to apply to florida 3-4 months ago I could have recieved my ccw by now and had it throughout my trip. However, at this point it seems that, that will not be a possibility.

I was curious if anyone here has had any experience with the ccw application process in Pennsylvania, Montgomery county. I was also curious if anyone has had any experience in applying for a non-resident Florida ccw. Any information would be appreciated.


Jamie Young

New member
You'll be moving within 20-30minutes of where I live.

You'll have your CCW permit within a few weeks of living in Pennyslvania. Lots of TFL members have recently moved from NJ to PA and got their CCW in days.

There are about 100 TFL members that get together in Pennsylvania so you'll have the opportunity to join the crowd.


New member
I'm curious about the 2 references. On and on prior posts it seems as though these references can be from anytime in your past. However, I have stumbled across some posts here and where they mentioned that the references have to be local references. This might prove to be difficult since I won't really know anyone.

Also how friendly is the local sheriff towards the ccw process?

Also since I'll also be moving there I won't have a penn license right away, will a lease or electric bill suffice?

Thank you,


New member
No problem, just hang out with Jamie and his crew of shooters and you will have a few references. You do not need a license for any firearms you bring from California. Only license you require is to carry concealed.

Montgomery county is soccer mom country here in PA. The local state legislator, Melissa Weber, a republican, is stridently anti gun and constantly has her name as sponsor of every anti gun bill that comes up. Register to vote and throw her out please....

The rest fof the state is gun friendly.

Don't forget to register to vote...or else :eek:

Pappy John

New member
Quote "Also how friendly is the local sheriff towards the ccw process?"
That's what's so doesn't matter. PA is a "shall issue" state. As long as your record is clean the local sheriff has no option to refuse, even if the thought of citizens being capable of defending themselves gives him hives. :D

Jamie Young

New member
Philadelphia tried to be restrictive on CCW permits years ago, but the State court came down on them and forced them to issue the permits.

What a great State. :D

Too bad we don't have a Supreme Court that has guts like that and overturns the AWB.
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New member
Everything I've read really is making me look forward towards the move. However, like I said I'm a bit apprehensive since I've lived in california my whole life.

Any other stories of Montgomery county ccw or just general information about penn will be appreciated.

Thank you again,

Dave Markowitz

New member
Any other stories of Montgomery county ccw or just general information about penn will be appreciated.

I live in Montgomery County. No hassles in getting my CCW, although the last time I had to renew the folks working there weren't the most friendly. Maybe they didn't get their coffee that morning. Also, when I first applied for and when I renewed my PA CCW, my references weren't even checked. I know that Delaware County and Philadelphia DO check your refs -- I was listed as a ref for a friend in DE County and the DE Sherriff's office called to ask me a few questions about him.


New member
Ultima - maybe I think all you have to worry about is the weather! Snow and cold winter .. hot and sweaty summer .. well, for most part! You will be very welcome here and Jamie for one will help you thru any hurdles I am sure.

If as soon as you say then ... could well be Jamie will twist your arm to go to the September shoot. I shall hope to be there, despite one heck of a long haul .... and will relish meeting you.

Good luck ... keep us up to speed eh.


New member
Just make sure that... hit the brakes at Pittsburg so that you don't slide off the other end of the state and into someplace like Trenton (Warning: you are leaving the American sector and entering the Peoples' Republic of New Jersey)


New member
Everything I've read really is making me look forward towards the move. However, like I said I'm a bit apprehensive since I've lived in california my whole life.

Don't sweat it, Ultima. I spent 40 of my years in Kalifornia (southern) and I have learned what you will learn - there is life after Kalifornia.

I don't know about PA, but I've lived in Houston, Salt Lake, and now Virginia since leaving Kali, and even Houston looks better to me than going back to the PRK.

And I HATE Houston!



New member
I was also wondering, as mentioned before I have a polytech waiting for me in Indianola, MS. I still need to have it sent to a local ffl in penn and then wait the 48 hours correct? The dealer can't just released it to me when I'm passing through I think...

Thanks in advance,


New member
I noticed that, I don't have too much time right now to look it over, but depending on the date, I'd say I'm in.

I think I remember reading something about a 48 waiting period in penn, but in this case I'll be in transit, so I'm not sure if I can just swing by MS and pick it up. I somehow doubt it but I'm curious...



New member
I guess I get to bump this thread up from the dead.

The trip was, interesting, didn't get to stop and sightsee, but I think my gf and myself were both on edge about this huge move for us.

let see highlights from the trip....

The first night in arizona worrying that my gf's turtles were going to be cooked in the early morning sun


The second night in new mexico worrying that my gf's turtles were going to freeze....

Guess who got to bring them in, in the middle of the night?

Texas and oklahoma uneventful, now arkansas, how do you guys who live there deal with the insects? We stayed in a hotel that was full of mosquitos, and I even managed to catch a tick. If you're driving through arkansas and you see a hotel called the heritage hotel that has a little AAA sigh on the corner....

So we ended up driving into Tennesse for the night. However, we got to stop at a gas station to get diesel and gas before we left. One of the lights seemed to be flickering, then I realized it wasn't flickering it was actually from the mosquitos and moths bumping into the light. The gas attendant did get a good laugh at my gf's friend going nuts screaming with all the mosquitos and insects. I couldn't stop laughing either, but I was busy swatting them as well. I have to admit, arkansas has sufficiently scared me.

And then kentucky, and ohio where we stopped to see a friend that had moved out there. Rested a few days, and finally finished up the trip to pennsylania.

Once we go to pennsylania we went to see the studio that my gf had agreed to rent while we were still in san diego. I had feared that the place wouldn't be what we had hoped for, and one step into it showed that my fears were well placed. Not very safe in my opinion, and pretty dirty, and for the amount of money, not worth it. Luckly we were able to break the lease without a problem, and were lucky enough to find a place on the outskirts of the philadelphia area. No I didn't get to find a place out in bucks or montgomery county unfortunately so it looks like I'll be filling out the florida non-resident paperwork now.

btw, during the trip, I got to see a lot of uhauls and budget trucks on the side of the road, and at least one uhaul burning a lot of oil, I have to admit I'm impressed with penske, no break downs, a nice turbo to listen to through the trip and nice people.



New member
I couldn't stop laughing either, but I was busy swatting them as well. I have to admit, arkansas has sufficiently scared me.

Man, you gotta get outta the city more! :eek:

Wait till you see a cicada bloom! That's going to be fun! :D

Glad you made it safely. Renting long distance is the pits. I've traveled enough to know.

btw, during the trip, I got to see a lot of uhauls and budget trucks on the side of the road, and at least one uhaul burning a lot of oil, I have to admit I'm impressed with penske, no break downs, a nice turbo to listen to through the trip and nice people.

I've done U-haul for the last time. Piece of junk truck, two service calls, nasty people, and they billed me to come fix THEIR truck! Oh, and the also billed me for the over time because I had to wait for their truck to come get me going, so I ran late.

The east is a different beast. Relax and get to know it. I think you'll like being out of the PRK.

Arc Angel

New member
:rolleyes: Just went through my 5 year CHL renewal process. A lot of this stuff is, still, fresh in my mind. My suggestion would be to establish proof of residency ASAP. Get your driver’s license changed over to PA, register to vote, and change your vehicle(s) registrations into PA, too. Be aware that ultimate proof of PA residency is payment of the, ‘Berkheimer’s Tax’. (In some areas of PA this tax is called the, ‘Central Tax Bureau Assessment’.) This tax is, usually, paid quarterly and is a percentage of your earnings. It is the first form of proof that our Sheriff’s department asks to see when you apply for a CHL.

The typical waiting period for a new PA resident is 90 days. I’d be very surprised if a permit were issued sooner than this. Your personal references are, usually, required to be residents of the same county in which you reside. In my home county they MUST be or the sheriff won’t process the application. The fees are collected in cash; so bring about $30.00 with you.

Apparently you already know how to apply to the State of Florida for a non-resident CCW. If you travel, it’s a good idea. If you need information on this, PM me. Many of my friends have one; and, if the FBI hadn’t recently rejected my fingerprints, I’d have one, now, too. I’ve already waited over 7 months for the application process to be completed. I have friends who’ve received their Florida CCW in less than 3 months; but, for whatever reasons, I seem to have hit every conceivable obstacle. Kind ‘a ironic for a guy who teaches this stuff and has carried, everyday, for the past 10 years, anyway! Still, it’s better than living in Jersey. :D


New member
Well my experience was quite different. I guess it depends on the county and how many refugees from NY/NJ live there.

I applied on tuesday, filled out the application, gave the names of two people (one of whom lives in Philadelphia, quite a distance from here), and a check for twenty dollars. My permit came in the mail on Friday!!!

All I had to show was my drivers license and a utility bill. And my NY pistol permit which is not required but I provided it anyway, I believe it sped up the process as NY checks you out very thoroughly before issuing a permit.

The sheriff even took a polaroid for the permit!!!

The moral here is stay out of Filthydelphia/Pigsburgh and the poconos.

Get away from yuppieville and live like a citizen.