Moving Effects

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roy reali

New member
I know from reading some of the replies here that there are some members that seem to know about physics and math. Maybe you could help here.

How does shooting from a moving object affect a bullet's path and/or velocity?

If an airplane has a forward shooting machine gun, is the plane's velocity added to the bullet's velocity when fired? What about rearward like from a tailgun? Is the velocity decreased by the airplanes forward speed? Some World War Two aircraft had side shooting guns. Is that effect sort of like wind effect from a stationary shooting position?

No, I don't plan on shooting any gun from any moving platform. This is just plain and simple curiosity.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Here is where we all pull out our high school science books and pile on and try to reword the right answer 47 times after it is given.

I know from reading some of the replies here that there are some members that seem to know about physics and math. Maybe you could help here.

How does throwing a baseball from a moving object affect a baseball's path and/or velocity?

If a vehicle has a forward launching ball throwing machine, is the vehicle's velocity added to the baseball's velocity when thrown? What about throwing rearward from the vehicle? Is the velocity decreased by the vehicle's forward speed? What about throwing the baseball to the side from a moving vehicle? Is that effect sort of like wind effect when throwing from a stationary position?

No, I don't plan on throwing any baseball from any moving platform. This is just plain and simple curiosity.

And so ... this is a high school Physics question that is not peculiar or specific to firearms. It is a Physics question, not a firearms question.

By the way, there are some questions like this which belong here and help us shoot and understand better. General questions about mass with velocity are answered best elsewhere and don't detract from the topic here.

I would try to find my answer someplace like this: Ask the Experts..

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