Movie Trailer: Panic Room


New member
Has anyone seen the trailers of this movie? If not here is a brief summation.

This woman and her daughter live in a house with a “panic Room”. It is basically a vault inside the house. These guys break in and trap her in it. They cut the additional phone lines that are run into this room. Then they are attempting to break into the room.

Here is my problem with this movie. If you had all this security precautions for this house, WHY NO GUN. What a stupid premise for a movie. You will spend a ton of money making a vault inside your house and then rely on the phone to save you. How idiotic. I would love to have a room like this in my house. It would have a ton of guns and hell if someone could get me out of it. I guess this is just typical for our media. Rant over!


New member
I saw the trailer as well. They bought the house that way, after a previously paranoid, or criminal, owner built the "Panic Room". Presumably who the intruders were looking for, or where the previous owner hid something.

No idea if this movie will be otherwise "anti" or not.



New member
The plot is self-contradictory, at least as far as I could tell from the trailer.

When she's looking at the place, the guy tells her that there are separate, buried phone lines, independant ventilation, poured concrete walls, cc tv, etc. It's got a door that would look at home inside a bank branch, at least 2" engagement rods.

It is clear from the trailer that the goblins handily disable the phone.

Then, gasp, they make clear their intention of entering the room itself, I guess something is hidden in there.

The thugs dump a duffel of tools on a table, it's like a cordless drill and some hammers. I'd use the PA to laugh at them until the batts on their makita died, but apparently they are coming in, inadequate tools or not.

It looked like they may try to flood them out, but you'd still need a hole for access.

THe setup, the whole purpose of the room itslef, is ironically lost in favor of suspense.

Also, when they hooked up my midrange home alarm, it was only a few $$ extra to rig a parallel backup wireless phone line to alert the authorities, guess the guy who origionally built that room ran out of money.


New member
a. I guess she failed to heed the advise of HCI that she should carry a cell phone for "protection".

b. This movie illustrates how feeble any attempt to hide from danger is; and how the lack of an offensive system of protection can endanger you far more than having one.

Celebrate this movie as proof of our contentions!

Fred Hansen

New member
I would love to have a room like this in my house. It would have a ton of guns and hell if someone could get me out of it.
Not to mention the various other anti-personnel devices that I would place in the outward facing walls, were I to have such a place. Then I would use the PA to laugh until I wet my pants while repeatedly pressing the "Later, Dude!" button. Hollybarf!:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:


New member
If there was a gun, it would be one short movie!

(opening scene)
"Mom! There's bad men breaking into the house!"
Mom grabs (insert your favorite gun here).

BLAM BLAM(and one in the forehead) BLAM...points at the next guy BLAM....the rest run off with soiled pants...

credit roll.


New member
I doubt that the movie will be conciously anti. IIRC, this is a David Fincher flick. He's the guy who did Seven, Fight Club, and The Game.

The messages (such as they were) in those movies didn't have much to do with guns at all. Although I haven't had a chance to see the preview, I always look forward to a new Fincher movie.

That said, my panic room consists of my bed, a locked door, a cell phone and a Mossberg 500.



There are so many thigs that can be done electronically, it would be extremely difficult for someone to defeat the system.

Anybody who would spend the money to install a vault in their home, would also install multiple redundancy security systems.

Alarm system tied to telephone to security co, dog, steel doors,
security roll up window covers, guns, baseball bat. etc., et., etc..


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
Yes, but again, the plot seems to be that the new owners figure the old owners were just paranoid weirdos for building something like this. So they don't prepare at all--but at the first sign of danger, where do they run? Right into the safe room without a gun or any other weapon.

Maybe the separate phone lines were set up for actual second lines, as in different numbers, the way a lot of people buy them for teenagers? If so, maybe the new dummies didn't pay the extra bill for that service--so they have phones and lines, but no service.

I will admit that the first time I saw it, the first thing I said was "What kind of an idiot would build a $20,000 safe room and not put a $200 shotgun inside?"


New member
Presumably the prior owner/builder of the room took the shotgun out when he moved. New occupants didn't know how to stock such a room, and learn the hard way.

Since the director also did Se7en, The Game, Fight Club, and Alien 3, I'm expecting this will be a good movie.


New member
somewhere along the line, in the preveiw, she leaves the panic room and has a handgun in her hand... it really doesn't make sense...