Movie on NBC 11/4: UPRISING


New member
I think thats the title. I just saw the commercials tonight.

I have always heard stories of the Jews in Nazi Germany who held their ground by fighting back against the Nazis - and eventually, the Nazis left them alone - er, or something.

Anyway - the preview has people saying "...we need you to smuggle weapons into the ghetto" and it shows Jews with firearms and they are throwing moltov cocktails at Nazis, etc.

Anyway - this looks like a VERY pro-RKBA movie - maybe it will get some of the sheeple to thinking...


Jim March

New member
The only thing that has me worried is that the previews didn't show any closeups of guns. Molotov cocktails galore, but the only gun I caught was a distance shot of a woman on a roof with what appeared to be a rifle.

Still and all, the tale can hardly be told *without* guns. If they get it anywhere near right, it could be a breakthrough.


New member
As much as I would like to see guns themselves being used in defense of liberty, as long as the message of resistance to tyranny is being presented in the mainstream media I will consider it a major step forward. Seems like in the past too many people had grown comfortable and unwilling to consider what costs there are to maintaining liberty. I hope some non-thinkers in our nation pay attention...


New member
It's about the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, so there will be a few guns.

In one of the scenes in the trailer, I heard some woman say something about smuggling weapons into the Ghetto.

I look forward to seeing how they pull off the movie...I don't expect an intentionally strong RKBA message, but armed Jews defending themselves from Nazis...I don't know how you couldn't get an RKBA message out of it. :)