Mouse Gun Mania or I want a P32!!!


New member
Hi Guys and Gals,
Yes, it's true!! I want a P32. Only thing is, I don't know anything about them!! I am just starting my research on the subject. I did a search, but could not glean much, except for the usual "like 'em or not" stuff. I'm interested in hearing from both KTOG members and ex-P32 owners so I can make an intelligent choice. So, have at it!!! Give me lots and lots of data!!! I am interested in reliability and recoil. I know it's a mouse gun, so I'm not expecting much in the accuracy department. But hey, if yours prints sub 1in groups at 500 metres, let me hear about it!!!! :D
Thanks in advance!!! :cool:

Tropical Z

New member
I thought mine would be here by now,and called the dealer this morning.He said he sold them all and would let me know when some more came in.This is after i reserved one and offered to pay for it in advance.:confused:


New member
I would recommend the 9X18 version vs. the .32, you can get a Bulgarian, EG or Russian P-32 :)


New member
I have a Keltec P32 and love it. I have not had any problems with it whatsoever. Very light also almost disappears in your pocket.



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mine is about 100 rounds


my wife also has one with about the same thru it.

both guns perfect.

"recoil"? what recoil<g>?

these self-defenders are very nice, simple to use and take down.......the factory is friendly and seemingly willing to do all that is reasonable to answer questions and accomodate users.

unless these break, i consider them winners!


New member

at the kind of distances this self-defender would be used, it is quite accurate.

and maybe at much longer ones too, i just haven't bothered to try.

to me, this is a 5' away self-defender.

beyond that i have a 45<g>


New member
I have put about 500 rounds through mine. It eats the following FMJs: Federal American Eagles, S&B, PMC, UMC, Winchester USAs and the infamous 'American' brand. Also digests Siver Tips (HPs) well. Recoil is not worth mentioning, very tame. Trigger pull just a hair long (double action only). Accuracy is is commendable for a .32. Does well at standard NRA targets out to 25 yards. Conceals real well with an Uncle Mikes IWB or pocket holster. Conceals real well in a pocket without a holster, even hides in the palm of your hand, if you hand is on the larger size.

It ain't a bad little pistol!

Originally had a problem with the slide locking back with ammo still in the magazine. Turned out to be a small burr on the slide channel, buffed it off and no problems since.


New member
Mouse gun or not, I sure don't want to get shot with one!

I bought my first P32 last summer to have an alternative summer carry gun (normally a p7m8). There's nothing to it weightwise. Took it out to the range and can get decent groups with it...nothing scientific, I mostly shoot at paper plates from 10 to 15 feet, maybe a little farther.

Bought my wife one about a month after buying the first. While I carry in an Uncle Mike's pocket holster, she carries in an Active Body holster, kind of looks like the back support things the guys at Lowe's wear all the time. She can wear a t shirt all day long and forget it's there.

Don't let the "carry big or don't carry at all" crowd dissuade you. While I understand the advantages of carrying a 9mm or .45, it just isn't always practical, especially for us small or skinny dudes, 6' 150 lbs. :rolleyes:

If it's a choice between between defending myself with harsh language or my "mouse gun" I'll take the mouse gun any day.

I remember well my reaction the first time I took it out and shot it..."Dang! Tiny or not, I sure wouldn't want to get shot with this thing!" Just a tiny bit of recoil, enough to let you know you're holding a lethal weapon at any case. You're making a wise decision...just make sure you get a decent color. I don't know why Kel-Tec insists on making p-32s in those stupid designer colors.:barf: Get a black or olive drab one, otherwise you'll be the laughing stock.


New member
I know that - was joshing you. I have an EG & Bulgarian. Always amused though when you have referred in the past to the Makarov as a "mouse gun", the P-32 is a REAL mousegun. I have 2 of them, great little pistols.


New member

I can hardly believe your first post on this thread! I've always considered you an expert on anything I was interested in, and now I find out that not only that I have a gun you're not familiar with, but that I know more than you do about something! But not for long, I'll bet! :D

Recoil? These things fire a cartridge that develops peak pressure in the 12k PSI range -- about a third of what you're used to. Don't worry about it....

There are only two modifications in addition to a thorough pre-shooting cleaning and lube job that I think are "needed". Add a White (eraser) trigger stop to take up the disconcerting trigger overtravel. Use some 400 grit wet/dry sandpaper to dull the sharp points and edges of the checkering on the grip.

I ended up taking mine completely apart for a complete parts inspection, etc. I found three very thin flakes of the plastic grip material in the frame and grip area. They didn't cause any interference or harm, but I was surprised to find them there.

You've had a few minutes to research them now, so please be sure to keep us informed about what you find out. :D

(BTW, I'm presently convinced that I still want a Taurus PT-145, and my only reluctance is that the Taurus Lock is an Auto-Lock!)


New member
Had one and really liked the size/weight. Trigger took a little getting used to, but it was surprisingly accurate at close range.
Traded it on a J-Frame about a year ago. Traded the J-Frame a few weeks ago. Almost bought another P-32 this past Monday but bought another J-Frame instead. Obviously, I enjoy trading and prefer a .38 pocket gun. But for the money, you can't go wrong with the Kel-Tec.


New member
Just as long as you buy a newly-made one and not one of the buggy early ones you'll be fine. They are great "poor man's Seecamps". ;)


New member
Great little gun, when it works...

...which my hard-chromed P32 did most of the time. Very accurate and the recoil is minor. However, it made 3 trips back to the factory. First and second time due to misfeeds and failure to fire. Third time it went in because the trigger mechanism broke. Kel-Tec is really great about making repairs, and they're quick about it, too. Excellent customer service. The price of a P32 is pretty good. But when you have to start tacking on postage for multiple trips to the factory it get$ expen$ive! With all that said, I know there are a lot of shooters who've had trouble-free P32s.


New member
Just get a P-32....

denfoot, this one I backed away from on three diferent ocasions. Just couldn't warm up to it because it felt like a cap gun. Finally popped for the $220 (at gun show, chromed as in above pic) due to good reviews here and I wanted an absolute "go anywhere" summer handgun. It really fits the bill for me. After 100 rounds with no glitches I was satisfied on reliability and carry with confidence, always. Good shootin',

Jay C

New member
I've got one for the" gun you can carry when you can't REALLY carry" I love the little thing. Approx 2 months worth of shooting and no problems yet. I am sending the slide back to Kel-Tec to get the chrome slide instead. I have been carrying it ever since this summer weather started and the shorts came out. For $220 can you really go wrong? Kel-Tec customer service is great. They will take care of any problems that you may encounter.


New member
I have carried a Kel-Tec .32 for the past 2 1/2 years and have run probibly 300 rounds thru it without a glitch.
It isn't my first choice for a defensive handgun, but it is with me whenever I have my pants on.


New member
My P32 is one of the early releases (SN-013XX) and chokes on Remington UMC Hardball. Also, the mainspring broke after about 300 rounds of 71gr Hornady FMJs and 60gr Corbon JHPs.

The turn-around time was excellent and it came with a (second) free blue nylon carry case with letter of apology. Having been through the wringer with EAA a few months before, I was stunned.

Another 300 rounds later (all hardball), it still works like a champ.


New member
Here's my "short-list" of P32 advantages

I copied this from an earlier post; nevertheless.....mine is an early one also (035xxx) and has been virtually flawless for the past 2 1/2 years. Here is partial list of P32 mousegun advantages:

1-weight (6.6 oz unloaded, 9 oz loaded) lighter than anything else in it's caliber, even the .22 autos.
2-size: Thinnest semi-auto ever made (3/4" inch uniformly)
3-Locked breech design for better recoil control, velocity, and reliability. (The guardian is a blow-back design with no extractor, thus you'll probably get a lot of stove-pipes on the final round.
4-best capacity: 7+1 (guardian is 6+1)
5-excellent 5 lb DA trigger (Guardian's seems like it approaches a ton for pull!)
6-diamond-top slider shape makes for excellent point/shoot capability.....real easy to draw/aim/fire with one hand.
7-Rust?Sweat? I have carried mine EVERY day in one of the hottest, most humied climates in the U.S: ATLANTA. I keep mine well oiled and there is not a speck of rust anywhere. If you're still worried, the slider can be hard-chromed for $20.
8-You can buy many accessories for this gun including a 10 round mag, and wolff makes springs for recoil, mags, and trigger.
9-Price: you can buy a Kel-Tec P32 for less than either the Seecamp or Guardian.
8-Lifetime Warranty: Kel-Tec will make it right.
9-Personal testimony: My KelTec, being 2 1/2 years old, has shot just about every kind of .32 auto round through it and is 100% reliable. I've heard the newer serials are even better (better than 100% reliable? Hmmm)

Go for it..............................