mounting a 50mm scope on a Cooper


New member
I just got a new Cooper rifle that came with a Leupold base and I was looking at a Nikon that has a 50mm front bell. What height rings do I need for that scope, the mediums or the high? I would appreciate any help you can give. I hate to order the wrong thing and have to send them back for the proper rings. It keeps me off the range way too long with my new rifle.


New member
It really depends on the individual scope, rifle, and the type of mounts. Generally 50 mm objectives need high rings. But depending on the barrel profile, the individual scope and mounts I have seen meduims work. I'd probably get high's. I know they will work, although the scope might be higher than I'd want. Mediums might work, might not.

I avoid the problem entirely by sticking to 40mm objectives and low mounts. In my opinion the 50's negatives outweigh the positives.


New member
Sounds like you need to do some measuring and then a bit of mathematics to work out the distance from the axis of your scope to the base of your mount; it should give you a good idea of the height of mount required.

I'm an advokate of big objective lenses, possibly from experience in Germany where they do a lot of twilight shooting against boar, deer, etc. Those big lenses will come into their own in such conditions and during daylight you'll enjoy a better light quality in your sight picture. Also you might find it will enable you to have a more comfortable position for your head and neck; you might enjoy a heads up position rather than canting your head over.