MOST reliable PPK/S


New member
Between the Interarms PPK/S and the Smith and Wesson PPK/S, which would you rather rely on in a life/death situation? Which is a better quality gun as far as reliability?


New member
I own a PPK by Interarms, but haven't fired it. It would have to be really something to be better than my S&W PPK/S which is very reliable.


New member
I had a very early PPK/S imported by Interarms. I carried it for years as a back up gun. It was flawless and accurate. Today you can get 9mm's and 40's the same size and lighter.


New member
My father bought an Interarms PPK/s NIB sometime in the early '90s. He shot it a bit, maybe 150 rounds or so, then sold it to me. I wouldn't get through a single mag without jamming. When I got it, I gave it and the mags a good cleaning, then fired a few hundred rounds with pretty much the same results. This was my first .380 and I bought a 500 round case of ammo to go with it. I think by the time it smoothed out and functioned reliably, I had less than 100 rounds left out of that case. They take a break-in before they work. After I got it working, he wanted it back.:eek: So, we traded for something else he had that I wanted. I like the Interarms better b/c it conforms more to the classic lines of the design, but I wouldn't hesitate to buy a Smith either.


New member
Maybe I'm off base, because I've never owned a PPK. But I've read that the PPKs in .32 caliber tend to be more reliable than the .380s. Generally speaky.


New member
BTW, forgot to mention. My most reliable pistol of this design, one that hasn't given me a bit of trouble, is a 1930-something Walther PPK in .32. The American guns don't come close to touching it.


New member
I've got a Manurhin PPK/s, that couldn't go a magzine with out a failure to feed. Really had problems getting the first round from the magazine to chamber.

I polished the feed ramps, and it's been flawless ever since. In loooking at the way the bullets feed from the magazine, you can see that the rounds transition at a very steep angle while being chambered. Any little issue with the feedramp looks like it will cause feeding issues.

And since I like posting pictures...



New member
In the 1970's I carried a German made (Interarms) imported PPKS. It was a great gun. I sold it and later purchased a Interarms manufactored PPKS in the mid 1980's. That one never did function properly.

michael t

New member
I have a old Interarms (Ranger made) and its been perfect. I shoot the hottest 380 ball I can find . I think that more the trouble than the pistol Its a German design and their 380 in Europe is hotter than ours . Mine loves Corbon HP and that my carry load. Couldn't give me a S&W to many problems and terrible tang they added . Every one of the New ones my dealer has sold has been traded back some a couple times . I can't find a used Interarms in my area but can S&W . That tells me something


New member
I love my interarms ppk, have not had any issues with it. It's very accurate and reliable. I don't know about the S&Ws, but I too hate the tang.


New member
Which is a better quality gun as far as reliability?

Since they're both licensed versions, they are probably equivalent. The way the owner cares for a particular gun probably makes the biggest difference in reliability. Mine doesn't always feed right when it's dirty.

ISP 5353

New member
I have carried my Interarms PPK/S almost every working day since 1984. In that time it has fired at least 500 rounds per year. That is a lot of rounds and it has never failed or jammed. I am sure the S&W is fine too, but I have trusted my life to my Interarms one for a long time and have complete faith in it.