Most outlandish gun you have ccw'ed?


New member
Just for grins, let's share the gun you have carried that is furthest removed from the "normal" choices. Wether it be overly large or small, pretty or ugly. No need to share why unless you want to, and let's please not make this a discussion about wether or not your post was a wise tactical decision.

As for me:
1. Pocket Remington repro
2. Widey auto
3. Cimarron Wyatt Earp


Colt Trooper MkIII, 6" Barrel ....... could not sit down or bend over, but i did it just to see if I could pull it off .......


New member
jimbob: 6 inchers do make it a little more difficult. I'm blessed/cursed by being tall so six inchers aint too bad.

TXAZ: Kudos on stashin the ak, I'm assuming it was under a trench coat, or something of the sort?


My SRH 7.5 inch .44 magnum in cross carry bandolier holster pulled up tight hanging from my left arm pit. If you looked closely under my denim shirt, you could see the printing, but over all, I would have been able to conceal carry in public easily.

Hunter Rose

New member
Used my Broomy for an open carry march this summer. Would be actually carrying it, but need to replace a couple internals. Will try to remember to post a pic of it...


New member
Not me... but I litterally had a customer come in... bigger fellow.. that was CCing a Desert Eagle .50AE, in a shoulder rig. I burst out laughing in his face when he asked if I had any IWB holsters for it.... he then asked for my manager because he was serious.. but my boss laughed even harder.:D

The biggest I ever lugged around was a S&W 29 6''.:cool: Make my day.:p


New member
hk: too funny, now that you mention it, I bet an IWB for my Wildey would make it super comfy to carry. I better go out to the bench and whip one up and get me some jeans about 6 sizes too big.


New member
You guys laugh. However I also carry a Desert Eagle sometimes when I go up into the California mountains. Not concealed, but it sure is lighter than a rifle, or carbine. I use a hip holster, or a bondolier holster depending upon the purpose of my trip into the outback. A shoulder holster would be nice. Not unrealistic, as I carried a S&W 6-1/2" 629 in a shoulder holster when I went into the mountains, until I got a S&W 329PD, which is a lot lighter. I use the same holster though.

Superhouse 15

New member
I carried an oddball gun for a while. VP-70 by H&K. And two spare 18 round magazines, too.

The gun was a commercial flop because no one would buy a polymer framed high capacity, DAO pistol with a full auto version available. That was the dumbest idea ever.


New member
Hook, not laughin at the Desert Eagle, laughin at the idea of an IWB holster for a gun of that size and weight. If I had one, I'd certainly give it a whirl. Being of a largish size, 6 inch N frames and 7.5 inch single actions hide pretty well. My normal go to is a 4 inch 629, nothin wrong with a lil' horsepower. In my free time I like to work with leather and hope to someday do that full time. If that happens I intend to hire some bikini model to wear a pair of Eagles at gun shows to help draw some attention.

Hunter Rose

New member
Well, my Automag came with a shoulder rig when I bought it. Wore it around the house the first day I had it: tended to list to the left...


A 5" N-frame in a shoulder holters, and once carried it in my front pants pocket around Walmart with a baggy shirt. The thing kept pulling my pants down. The way it buldged out (Is that an N-frame, or....), well, need I say more.

Hunter Rose

New member
Broomy in holster

Here she is, next to today's primary (Smith 19-5) and my EDC (Seecamp .32)

And here she is, actually on my hip

Like I said: only ever actually carried her for an OC march. She has a problem with her sear or disconnect...