most newbie-ish RKBA question


New member
What do the letters "R K B A" stand for?

I've been lurking this site for a few months and have never seen it spelled out, to my knowledge. For sure some of you know!



New member
That question indicates there's more you need to know. (We all start somewhere!)

At the very top of this web page you'll see the word "Library" - click on it, and read EVERYTHING you find there. Might take a while, but it is worth every minute.

Gene Beasley

New member
This my favorite place to come to get educated. Up at the top of any page is a block of text links. One of them is Web Acronyms/Firearms Terms. More than once I've been able to get the answer to my question there.



New member
Where are your manners, gentlemen?

gunnoob, WELCOME to TFL! Glad to have you aboard.

Remember, there are no stupid question, just stupid politicians!


Doing some reading in the Library is a good idee, though.

Lot's of good stuff there.


New member
Greetings and salutations Gunoob.
Please read, ask, and contribute.
Stooped answers probably more common than stupid questions.



New member

From your posting time and location, you are either a night person or most ungodly morning person. I think all times are posted in EST.

Have fun.


New member
Thanks for the welcome!

Heh, you know I've seen those links every time I've come here but it never occured to me that they would be useful? Guess I'm so used to seeing banner ads up there on other sites, that I've trained myself to completely ignore the top quarter of the screen. Those links are a weath of info and I'm glad you guys pointed it out to me. :)

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
There are no banner ads on TFL. Rich at least twice as much money as I make per month to run this place out of his own pocket. It's a special place.


New member
Buy "Armed & Female" for $6.50, it will give you a well rounded start. It's the best book I've read to answer every beginner question & then some. Aimed straight at all those newbies who just bought a pistol after 9/11.

Buy "How to own a gun and stay out of jail, California" at your local gun store. $10. You need it, too damn many laws here.

Go to JPFo_Org and read the whole site. You will learn what RKBA is really about.

Go to their stuff for sale page and you can buy "Bostons Gun Bible" for under half price. You can also get the super cool Kershaw "Chive" pocket knife for $5 less than anywhere else.

*Go the new web site at
and learn about your obligation to take others who have never shot to the range with you. :)