Most likely scenario


New member
What is the most likely scenario in which you would need to draw your gun? My wife asked me this question and I told her that the scene I would find most probable in our sleepy little town would be to stop a dog from attacking a child. Seriously! We don't have a lot of break-ins, armed robberies, etc. I don't place myself in many, if any, situations where violent encounters are probable. But Beth's question made me think. So what about you folkss?

David Scott

New member
Most likely around here, given the places I go and things I do, is being present during a convenience store robbery. That seems to be the single most common violent crime here. Second place probably goes to attempted home invasion. Neither is a high probability, but a house fire is a low probability and I still have a fire extinguisher.


New member
If I spotted a stranger on my land.
Everyone around here knows if your on someone elses property you'd better want to die.


New member
I live in Dallas, TX. I am a CHL holder and I honestly think the first time I'll ever have to draw my gun is too defend myself or a third person from an angry motorist after or during an accident.

The motorists here drive with a "f**k-you" attitude. They will cut you off and then swerve at you for their efforts of having to go around you. They don't use signals, they don't use courtesy, and road rage is a daily show that I see occur before me.

I've seen drivers dueling with their vehicles probably 1000 times on the drive to and from work everyday. One of these days, my luck will run out and one of these sacks **** is going to hit me. It won't surprise me if they decide it's worth fighting over.

I don't settle anything with a fist, so they'll probably end up facing cold steel until a LEO arrives.

If it isn't that my guess is it would be in a convenience store or an attempted car-jacking. There are 218,434 CHL holders in Texas. 37,824 live within a 50 mile radius of where I'm at right now. That has had a considerable effect on our crime rate.

Criminals think twice now before choosing a victim.



New member
I always figured it would be one of the following

Home invasion
Attempted carjacking
Convience store
Empty parking lot

Cap n ball

New member
At a walk-up ATM at night, although I hardly ever would do that alone. The last and only time I was robbed was in a poorly lighted parking lot and I was unarmed. They took my five dollars and checkbook which they tried to use about four days later and were instantly popped. I identified the creep and since it was his fourth conviction he went to the old graybar hotel for about ten years.


New member
There's two scenarios that are most likely for me. One is going to the cigarette shop. With the increase in prices, there's been a rash of robberies of these stores and I've been in them when some suspicious-looking folks appeared to be casing them.

The other is when I drop off film at the lab at night, in an area of the city that has more shootings and crime than just about any other. Before I get out of my truck I look around to see if the coast is clear, and move quickly.


New member
I've been of the attitude that my open-carry practice will deter more crimes than give me the consequence of drawing it.

I guess, though, the more dangerous times for me would be early in the mornings when the convenience stores open up. I'm an early riser, and sometimes I am there to greet the employees as they are opening the doors in the morning. In this area, that when most stores are robbed, I guess because nobody else is around.

Hopefully, my very presence has changed the minds of more than one would-be robber. I know the employees who have been victims sure do appreciate my presence, and one of the husbands of one of the older victims actually stopped me in a parking lot one day to thank me for my morning presence.

Bob Locke

New member
Greeley's such a sleepy little town that it's hard to figure when I might have to draw down on someone. I guess I'd say a road rage incident (the other guy, not me).


New member
Dear Lady Kimber - we've had one murder in the past 100 years (a drug-related argument ended w/ a .22 fired once. The victim drove himself 5 miles to the hospital - but I digress...). The big crime here would be petty theft. The only violent crime stat that jumps out on the Rock is rape. We have a ton of people who show up for three summer months, a lot of them in their early 20's. Add booze and drugs and the fun begins... The people around here year-round pretty much know each other. Of course, this means they also know who not to mess with. ;)


New member
BTW, do I even need to say that the same number of people have been crippled for life in Joe Kennedy's jeep on Nantucket than have been murdered in the past 100 years??? :eek: