most durable snap caps for .22?


New member
I've got a Taurus pt-22 with a trigger pull that I'm trying to get used to. I've tried a couple different types of .22 snap caps in the past, and they only hold up for about 10 trigger pulls before they are very misshaped.

Can anyone recommend some type of snap cap (or other idea) that will allow me to dry-fire longer?


New member
AFAIK, no rimfire snap cap is designed for dry firing, only for cycling/practice. By nature of being rimfire the firing pin will always bugger up the rim, making them unusable after several dry fires as you mentioned.

There's apparently, however, a size of drywall anchor that is the exact same size as a .22 LR cartridge that you could use for dry firing, and since they're like $4 per box of 100 you won't feel bad over it. I doubt they'll cycle in an automatic, though, but I've never actually tried it before so I'm not sure.


New member
#4-6 7/8" ribbed plastic drywall anchors

You can rotate them if you're using a revolver and get 6 to 8 uses out of them. I think a box of 100 costs $1.50



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New member
Thanks for the suggestions. I'll be out at some stores today and will look for some drywall anchors.


New member
+1 on the plastic dry wall anchors - they are cheap, plentiful and disposable ... I use them in all my 22's as in some of the conversions i have there is no other way to decock after cleaning and reassembly, than to pull the trigger on empty chamber


New member
Larry's Guns sells chamber plugs for Trailsides that can be reused many times for dry firing, but they are a bit pricey at 10 for $10 + shipping. They work well, though, and also serve as an empty chamber indicator.

Edit: One of the three reviewers of this product noted that the tabs break off when used in anything other than a Trailside/Xesse. If true, then they could still be used for dry firing, but not as an empty chamber indicator. I know they work well in Trailsides, but haven't tried them in anything else to verify the claim.
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