Most amazing hunting vehicle of all time....


New member
I could just picture some of us dudes, wearing a fez with a tassle, drinking like brandy of some kind , chasing tigers!!:D:D FOR REAL MAN!!!!:p:rolleyes::)


New member
I'll stick with my horse when I hunt, but Dang that car is Sweet.

I don't thing my horse would enjoy pulling the cannon, but I can always hitch up my wife's Shires. :D:D:D


New member
"An unusual feature of the car is its small safe, made by Chubb. Included in the original specifications, it secured contingency money set aside to compensate families of hunting assistants killed while stalking big game."

Those Maharajah's think of everything.....wonder how many families were "compensated"?


New member
Rajahs and pukka sahibs only, it seems.....

Kotah was a fairly progressive Princely State, with decent schools and hospitals, at least for some if not all.