Most accurate .270 projectile


New member
.270 shooters...what's been your most consistently accurate projectile to reload. My savage 111 shoots well with anything I feed it, but not incredible accurate with anything...I've shot 120 grain sstseant for 6.8spc, 130 interlock, 140 interlock btsp, 130 nosler solid base...all shoot very well. I haven't tried the heavier ones yet and am especially curious about the nosler 150 grain ballistic tip (mostly because it happens to be available)...any experience with that bullet?

T. O'Heir

New member
Any bullet is only as accurate as the load and the shooter. You have to work up the load for your rifle.
Plus your 111 is a hunting rifle. Hunting accuracy isn't the same as target accuracy. Consistency is by far more important than a small group.

Paul B.

New member
I have four rifles in .270 Win. The most accurate bullet I've found has been the 150 gr. Sierra Game King.
I have not tried the 150 gr. Ballistic Tip or Accubond but believe they would be very close or equal to the Game King in my rifles. I also get very good accuracy from the Nosler 150 gr. Partition.
Paul B.


New member
I have a number of 270s, but only one I have spent a lot of time playing with it: An pre 64 M70 Winchester I rebarreled to to 270, and I have killed 9 mule deer with 130 gr Nos Bal tip, mostly ~ 400 yards. With a 22" barrel 50 gr 4895 I get 2875 fps, which seems wimpy, but shoots the best with the ultra light rifle.


New member
I've only owned one .270 (and even then I didn't keep it but a few months). However, during that time I tried 4 flavors of ammo. The 3 130 grain pills shot about 1 - 1.5" groups. The 150 gr pills looked like a shotgun pattern. That particular rifle liked them small.

The only way to find out what your gun likes is to send some lead downrange.


New member
150 gr. Sierra GKs in my Wby Vanguard, but my stash of obsolete Nosler 150 gr. Solid Base bullets do equally as well when loaded over RL22.


New member
For my Weatherby Vanguard it is 130 gn Sierra GK soft points. This projectile and a near max load of IMR 4064 are sub MOA for me out to 400 yards. I killed a nice 8 point with the combo this year right at 200 yards.


New member
The 270 Winchester is essentially a long-range, big-game, bolt-action, rifle cartridge. So don't brag about, or even count your 100 yard groups. They don't mean squat. If 100 yards even matters, then all we really need is a 30-30 or 44 magnum carbine. The 270 is expected to take Deer or whatever at 300, 400, or more yards. You should never take a shot on a Deer or Elk that's beyond the range that you actually shoot your rifle at with some degree of regularity that could engender some confidence. I don't care how accurate of a 5 shot group you may get at 100 yards; you cant count on it to maintain the same stability, or MOA, out at 300 or 400 yards. It's alarming how many promising 100-yard-excellent load recipes go all to Hell at 300 yards. Like one-inch groups turning into 16" groups.
Not to hi-jack the thread; but whats your most accurate 270 bullet at 300 or more yards. 5 shots or more, now......
For me, it's the Nosler 150 grain Partition.
Rifle: Winchester model 70 Classic Sporter.
Powder: Norma N-205; good luck finding any.....
Brass: I like Winchester, but my rifle says Federal......
Primer: CCI Large Rifle, but I expect Federal and Winchester might be OK too.
I won't say how much powder except to say velocity is running right around 3,000 fps.
I use Sierra 150grain Game Kings as a preliminary substitute when experimenting with load-work-ups to save on the more expensive Partitions, but switch over when things look promising.


New member
The most accurate bullets ive used is SGK 130gr. in my handloads. I can easily shoot sub moa groups at 100yrds.

I cant speak for others but 100yrds is where I test my loads and zero my optics. That doesn't mean I cant shoot past 100yrds. BTW my most accurate bullet past 2-300yrds, Sierra Game King. Just as accurate at 300 as it is 100. Hell I bet its still accurate at 4 or even 500yrds.


New member
I'm thinking the Berger 130 grain VLD will or should be around the top of any list of accurate .270 fodder, haven't tested any yet but I'm still young.


New member
I have used 130 gn Berger vld's as well. The SGK's perform better in my rifle. That's why I think its good to try at least a few different projectiles. You never know;)


New member
Pathfinder45 asked:

but whats your most accurate 270 bullet at 300 or more yards. 5 shots or more?

150 grain Sierra GameKing @ 400 YDS:


I pulled that one to right.


New member
My .270 shoots a 130gr Nosler Accubond really really well. It shoots them into 1/2 inch 3 shot groups consistently. Its the first and last bullet I tried when I was doing load development.


New member
Thank you, Ray; that's what I'm talking about.
Bamashooter, that's also what I'm talking about: You could be shockingly wrong. Don't bet on it 'til you've tried it. 100 yards is just an initial sight-in for a 270. Your 1/2" 100 yard groups might shoot over 12 inches at 300 yards. I wouldn't say so, except I've seen it several times. It astounds me that most folks will sight their rifle to shoot, say 2-1/2" high at 100 yards, believe some trajectory chart and figure that they can count on that load to hold dead on at 300 yards and count on an inch-and-a-half group, 'cuz it shoots so darn well at 100 yards, yet never bother to shoot much at all at longer ranges because it's too inconvenient to walk that far, back and forth from the target to their shooting position. A great load at 100 yards just might be a great load at 300 or 400 yards. But it's way presumptuous to expect so without testing and proving it to be so. Especially so if one takes a shot at game that's perhaps 4 times further away than one has ever taken a shot on targets with that ammo.

Bart B.

New member
Sierra Bullets gets about 1/4 MOA at 200 shooting 10-shot test groups with their .277 HPMK bullets group after group after group ..... They'll do that in very accurate rifles. I think they're the most accurate 270 bullets.

A popular test of short versus medium range accuracy is also one of the least reliable and meaningful; comparing one few shot group at 100 yards to another one at 200 or 300.
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