Mossberg SSI

DT Guy

New member
My boy (11 years old) is looking for his first deer rifle, and I noticed the Mossberg SSI at the local gun emporium. Seems like one of these in .243 would be a nice, light and handy gun for him to start out with, and we both like the ethical discipline that would come with starting out with a single shot. It also is in his "I want it for Christmas" price range. :)

Has anyone got, or at least shot, one of these? Any input would be much appreciated, as would suggestions for alternatives.




New member
You might want to look at the New England Firearms (H&R) handi-rifle. It's finish isn't quite as nice, but they seem to be decent. IN addition, NEF has a rather large fanbase, so you have lots of range reports and such to browse over.

If you want an bolt action repeater, you might think about a wally world special, especially something like a savage with synthetic stock. It is pretty light for a bolt rifle.

Again, i don't have any experience with these, so that is my .000002 cents.


New member
The Mossberg is heavy for a single shot. That massive steel frame is excessive. They are no longer manufactured as well. The NEF line is currently manufactured and has an add-on barrel program to fit multiple barrels on one action. Shotgun and rifle barrels included.
They have a nice website and are a subsidiary of Marlin Firearms. A much better option financially as well.