Mossberg 590 question


New member
Years ago, I broke down my Mossberg 590 for a thorough cleaning and got called away for matters of great importance, which now, I can not think of my the life of me. However, upon returning to reassemble said weapon, I found that the bolt assembly had grown legs and walked away. The gun was then stowed in it's bag, it's internal parts shoved into a tupperwear case, and resigned to the back corner of my man room. I was already in pocession of a good 870 Police Magnum and a repro Model '97 riot gun, so my shorty shotgun needs were filled.

However, today I realized that I would very much like to have my 590 reassembled and in use due to a rash of break-ins and other crime in my complex and was wondering the best way to go about this. According to Mossberg's website, the bolt is listed as a restricted part. Do I need to find an FFL dealer for this? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

the rifleer

New member
You don't need an ffl, but you may need to have a gunshop order it or send it to mossberg explaining what happened. Give them a call and see, they may send it to you, but there is only one way to find out.