moron at Wal Mart


New member
Amazing.. I was heading to the camping supply section of Wal-mart walking towards the gun counter. There's a guy pointing what looks like a 9mm at the ground of his wifes feet, dry firing like crazy and telling her to "dance". Now I'm pretty sure Wal-mart doesn't sell handguns but I tell the guy, "Hey buddy, shouldn't you be pointing that in a safer direction?"

He waves the darn thing around saying "Relax, it's not real"

I just shake my head and say "Well I can't tell that from here and you should never point any firearm at anything you're not willing to destroy. Maybe you should review the four basic rules of gun safety."

Needless to say, I darted up the aisle I was looking for. I wasn't going to hang around a nut like that..


New member
One of the gun counter guys at Wal Mart pointed a Rem 870 right into his eyeball when I asked if the barrel was rifled or smoothbore. It was something out of a cartoon. I looked over at my fiancee and she looked horrifed that someone that dumb could work with firearms.


El Rojo

New member
Was the action open?

I look down the barrel of my rifle all the time to see what kind of cleaning job I did. Of course I have the bolt out or the action open. I wouldn't think badly of a guy who had the action open and pointed it his own head, after all it is his own head and if he is willing to destroy it, it really is his choice.


Member In Memoriam
With an 870 the only way to check the bore without disassembling the firearm is to open the action and put a piece of white paper or something light colored (a thumb nail will do if its light enough) into the action to shed some light down the barrel. On some rifles such as the M1 Garand, and Rem 7400 its the ONLY way to check the bore, unless you have an an action vise and a barrel wrench handy!
I like to put my thumb in. It assures the gun won't fire even if a round is in the chamber and some attempt is made to close the action. Paper offers no resistance.

Mal H

I'm a little confused. There's really nothing wrong with looking down the barrel of a rifle/shotgun/handgun. That is if and only if it has been checked and double checked for an empty chamber and there is no ammo anywhere near the gun. I do it often, after checking it of course.

Double Naught Spy, I'm sure Carlyle uses the paper (like I do) as a reflective material so you can see the quality of the barrel better. I am absolutely sure he wouldn't look in the barrel of a gun that had ammo in it.


New member
I always examine rifle barrels in stores by pointing the barrel up towards the lights and then looking. It makes it easier to see in the barrel, plus it's a good habbit to get into.


Member In Memoriam
Mal, I use paper or a cleaning patch PLUS the BRIGHTEST light I can find! The old eyes need all the help they can get! :D :D


New member
This past weekend a guy at the gun club had a misfire with a percussion cap muzzleloader. Within seconds, he had his lips against the muzzle blowing down the tube to, I assume, see if he had indeed loaded a charge. Yeeeeeesh!


Member In Memoriam
He is #1 in line for the next Darwin Award! Like the Cajun says......Mais me cher I don trus' dat charcoal burner none at all. Mais me, I am gonna fire 3 or 4 caps in it and let it sit till the crawfish are boiled fore I go mess with it yea.


New member
A simple "pointing any gun or facsimile thereof is considered a felony, and can be returned with deadly force."

IE--point a gun, or anything like it at me and I will shoot you dead.... next time. So don't let there be a next time, me comprendes???


New member
Try working in a gun store where all manner of idiots whip out their pistols without permission. One fella pointed his S&W Mod 60 at me as he handed it to me without my permission or acknowledgement. I darn near evacuated in my pants. I explained to this Rhodes Scholar that one should not produce a pistol before asking my permission.

My favorite story is of a retard who thought it would be funny to announce a stick up as he entered the store. The fellas behind the counter knew him. The two off duty cops, and a corrections officer did not. The officers had their backs to the door. You can imagine what might have happened if the owner did not immediately yell at the buffoon that his stunt might get him killed! The words were,"don't F@*#
around like that". You see everyone with his back to the door started for his gun ever so slowly. Makes you wonder about the intelligence of some people.

El Rojo

New member
Let him go!

I think if someone is stupid enough to come into a gun store and say "this is a hold up" a few things should happen. First: the LEO in the room should be challenged in a real life senario in order to test their restraint and their ability to handle off duty life threatening situations. Would have they identified themselves and correctly evaluated that there was no immediate danger, but only the suggestion of one? Or would they have let loose and emptied a mag and then asked questions. This would have been a great time to figure out whether the officers had what it takes or not to correctly evaluated and develop the situation.

Second: Had the officers used good judgement in drawing on the alleged armed robber, the fool would have learned a very important lesson as he stared down the muzzles of three automatics/revolvers. You don't screw around in the gun store.


New member
Had a friend who owned a gun store in San Juan Capistrano, California about 12 years ago. A regular, but casual, customer came in one day with his hand thickly bandaged.

Seems he wanted to know if his .22 rifle was loaded, so he put one end against the palm of his hand and pulled the trigger.

Oy. There are no words! :eek:


New member
Kinda reminds me of...

...the old Bugs Bunny cartoon where he is working in a munitions factory. As the shells roll down the assembly line, his job was to whack them with a sledgehammer. When they didn't go off, he would mark them "DUD."
