More Terror Against Hunting Related Businesses!


Staff In Memoriam

This thread is more obviously directly related to hunting... The firms being attacked at an alarming rate are fur buyers of furs from wild critters. They are also targeting game ranches releasing the rightfully OWNED animals.

When they cvlaim WE HAVE NO RIGHTS, can you consider yourself safe if you cross their path while hunting? Or while they are in the act of committing a terrorist act?


American Made

New member
I will never understand these wack jobs. Just a few weeks ago ( down the street from my place of employment ) there were several "pro" wolf protesters. There those idiots stood with those slogans and they even had this wolf with them. I can see them gaining support in Seattle but North Idaho?

My wife has been asking me for one big wolf pelt all year. Maybe all stop over and show off my new Wall Decoration? That'll cause a ruckus


New member
The animal rights crowd, like the anti hunting and anti gun crowds, believe they had an inherent right to use any means to aceive their goals. Their activities in many cases are akin to domestic terrorism. Tney have no respect for the property of others as they pursue their goals.
Yep, it is an attempt at intimidation of the masses to affect social, political, or religious change through the use of violence and destruction aganst non-military targets. Yep, burning the fur and fireworks vendor to achieve their goals is definitely within the bounds of terrorism.


New member
"Somebody with a shop full of fireworks and fur at the same time is just kind of asking for it," Vlasak told the AP on Monday

Ok, I'll say it: if you substituted "slinky dress" for "shop full of fireworks and fur" pretty much EVERYONE would think that this guy was completely nuts; the people who didn't think he was nuts would be the crazies.

How is it people with the same thought process as a rapist think that they're normal or making society better...?

Where's the emoticon for "i want to shake you senseful"?


New member
can you consider yourself safe if you cross their path while hunting? Or while they are in the act of committing a terrorist act?

Sure I feel safe, I am armed and have a cell phone. A quick call to 911 gets them placed in jail where they belong.

I had a run in with peta when DeSoto Bend allowed bow hunting for deer. That first hunt had a couple peta protestors but the law says they cannot bother a hunter while hunting some did they went right to jail.

Saw a granny in co tell a reporter when the peta folks get prarie dog sahooting outlawed they would shoot peta people instead :)

Seems like the minority rules here, used to be the majority won the vote....everythings upside down topsy turvey nowadays. What was once considered good behavior is now murdering little animals.

I shudder to think of what will be next, what will my son have to give up to these folks that I once enjoyed?


New member
I have said it many times before: Animal Rights activists suffer from a mental disorder called Reaction Formation.

It means that they have a lot of pent up anger & hatred & violent desires, but they know it is socially unacceptable & so they mask it by claiming to do it for "the good of the animals."

But in reality, they are just people haters, and mentally diseased.

I'll post a link to a book on google later when I get a chance.


New member
Makes me wonder what kind of flack we are going to catch when word gets out that we started a shooting sports club at the liberal arts college I attend. I am much older than most of the students and doubt if any of them will try to say much to me but the younger people could be in for an ear full. Guess time will tell. Might want to talk about how to educate the anti gun people when and if confronted, at the next meeting. Telling them were to go might sound like a good idea but it will not help promote a good image for the club.


New member
Thinking back, I don't think I've ever enountered one of these nut jobs; at least not one that I knew what "it" was.

I miss all the fun, somehow.



New member
When I was very little.... I was in a toy store with my mother.. picking out a new toy gun... seriously lol. It was toys R us or some place equivalent.... when a man started yelling and harassing my mother for letting me play with toy guns... mind you in the middle of the store.. this man is yelling at a woman and child... me and my mother.... well needless to say my dad... Deputy Sheriff at the time, came up behind him... grabbed his hand that he was using to point a finger in my mothers face... and processed to bring the man to the ground... and ask him why he was disturbing the peace.... not to mention yelling at his wife (my mother).:eek:

Needless to say the idiot walked away with his tail between his legs, and I have a fond memory.:D


New member
Good news is Wyoming pasted the "hunter protection law" last year that makes it a felony to harrass any hunter when they are in the field! Good job WYOMING!


New member
So these nut jobs are terrorist's. Hmmm Since we are in the middle of the war on terrorism I guess if they show up in the woods we are allowed to shoot them? I know I have a hat around here saying that terrorist season was opened on 9-11-01 and that there is no bag limit. So like prairie dogs we just let them lay where shot since they carry some funky brain disease.

This is just a joke but it sure makes you feel this way at times.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
The FBI uses the definition of terrorism as shown in Post #5. While there is little media attention, generally, a one-year number for events which I recall from some time back was 168.


Staff In Memoriam
While I am far from an alarmist... In my recent "covert" research of these sorts... They seem to be blustering more and promising amongst themselves for increasing their terrorist activities...
