More positive mentions of guns in big media

Dave R

New member
It appears to me that guns have been getting more and more positive press, latelty. Especially in conservative talk radio. Tonight Michael Savage talked about renewing his permit. (He's based in San Francisco...) He talked about how much he loved his .45, then talked about the renewal test, and then about a timed test he took. Interesting.

A couple of days ago (a week ago?) Laura Ingram was talking about the new state law that eliminated the duty to retreat before using deadly force. She was very much in favor of the change. She said something like right shouldn't have a duty to retreat from wrong. I forget the words.

Glenn Beck spent a lot of time on his decision to buy a gun, running over several episodes.

Shaun Hannity has mentioned his support for the 2nd Amendment many times, although he does not appear to be a shooter himself.

Rush Limbaugh has mentioned support of the 2nd amendments, as well. But also appears to be a non-shooter.

So, at least in conservative talk radio, guns seem to be an acceptable topic of discussion. Seems like progress to me.

I always appreciate the firearms-related articles that Drizzt posts.

So how about you? Have you heard or seen any favorable firearms articles or mentions recently?


New member
I once saw a Hannity and Colmes episode where one of the topics was non-lethal forms of defense. At the end of the segment Hannity said something like, “You can keep you’re non-lethal defense, I’ll stick with my .45.”
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New member
NPR did a "report" on Wednesday's "All Things Considered" (the most deceptive title in the media) on the increase in gun ownership in New Orleans following Katrina. The teaser made it sound like they might actually give the gun issue a fair shake (for a change), but the "report" turned out to be nothing of the sort. They had a 10-second soundbyte from Wayne LaPierre and one interview with a guy who scared off some apparent thugs with his AR-15, but the rest of the report suggested the "gun run" (their words) was mostly due to paranoia over rumor. I counted -- they used the word "rumor" six times in a pretty brief "report". They also made reference to the "Second Amendment Crowd", the phrase "gun crazy" was used, as were the words "bogus" and "gossip". Not exactly a gun-friendly report. That didn't surprise me, but NPR is definitely mindful of the power of language, suggestion and inflection. I was more surprised in the "reporter's" pitiful vocabulary. NPR just can't hide its hostility toward guns.

I guess I should be glad there are *some* media outlets with a more favorable view of guns and gun owners, and who will, at the very least, provide for a fair discussion of the issue.


New member
"I guess I should be glad there are *some* media outlets with a more favorable view of guns and gun owners, and who will, at the very least, provide for a fair discussion of the issue."

This is one of the most frustrating gun issues for me. Namely, I, and probably most here, have known for years that shooting, guns, gun ownership, and the vast majority of gun owners are not a problem. You can cite any number of statistical sources or use simple common sense to show that this is true. Yet time after time, the media, out of sheer ignorance, puts forth their anti-gun messages, knowing full well that the average non-shooter never thinks about such things and will believe anything he hears on television news.



New member
Every time I listen to Nationalista People's Radio, I get the mental image that most of the other listeners are indulging in chocolate and cabernet while their armed bodyguards are overseeing the illegal aliens they hire for a few pennies a day and no social security payments who are taking care of the kids and polishing the three Mercedes next to the boat in the four-car garage. And these listeners are nodding their heads in sympathy with the reporter and muttering, "Yes, my dear, that's absolutely right. Guns are demonic things that tempt greedy, selfish, rich, socially detached conservative neanderthals into evil acts."

Maybe it's because I have yet to see a work-weary pickup truck sporting PBS or NPR bumper stickers.


New member
Before any of you get the wrong impression....

I listen to NPR for two reasons:

1. Know your enemy
2. My job entails that I drive all over KY. Somehow I can always get an NPR station when I can't get anything else on the radio. That's frightening, on some level.

At any rate, I don't usually listen to NPR for long, because my blood pressure tends to skyrocket after one or two "reports". Come to think of it, the "media" in general tends to have that effect on me....


New member

I know what you mean. Around here, the three NPR radio stations come in clear as a bell at all times, whereas the commerical stations come in fuzzy during the day and not at all at night. I guess all that government sponsorship wasn't completely wasted.

One of the many things that gripes me are the pledge drives. "We need you to send money so we can keep broadcasting." I'm already paying with my tax dollars; I'm a supporter of PeoplesBS and Nationalista PRopoganda whether I like it or not. And what do I get for my money? A steady, electronic stream of anti-American, counter-culture garbage that's exclusively on PBS and NPR because it couldn't survive anywhere else, not even on the lamestream media. Who really enjoys those British so-called comedies on PBS that look like they were filmed in someone's flourescent-lighted basement on a rainy day?

Rant off.

At any rate, one of the NPR stations plays pretty darned good blues on late Friday and Saturday nights. Choice stuff, I have to admit.


New member
I listen to NPR daily. When they had their fund drive last year they had a contest to see who had the best excuse for not contributing. So I emailed them and told them the reason I never gave them money was because they were the only thing that the radical left had ever given me for free and I would continue to enjoy it and I hoped they continued to bilk the liberals into paying for my enertainment.

I like their news for the simple reason that once you get a clear idea of their slant on any topic, candidate or political ideal you can bet against great odds that it is diametrically opposite the one which is good for the common taxpayer. I'll admit it gets annoying, but it is good to know there are some things which never fail.