More on the Education Center shooting

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chris in va

New member
Sorry, couldn't find the OP on the subject. Here's the latest info. EDIT: I mean the education center, sorry. Mods please fix this.

New York shooter's note: "Have a nice day"
Apr 7, 11:04 AM EDT

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The gunman who killed 13 people and himself in a New York state immigrant center sent a letter to a television station before his shooting spree that ended with the words "And you have a nice day."

Jiverly Wong, a 41-year-old Vietnamese immigrant, wore body armor into the Binghamton building where he had been studying English and opened fire on immigrants taking an exam to become U.S. citizens.

"I am Jiverly Wong shooting the people," began the letter sent to News 10 Now of Syracuse, New York.

He included photos of himself with two handguns -- possibly the two he used in the attack.

Wong apologized for his poor English in the rambling, hand-written letter of two pages.

"Of course you need to know why I shooting?" he wrote, but then never fully explained the reason. He made some unclear references to police harassment he received in New York and California before ending with the salutation, "And you have a nice day."

Binghamton Police Chief Joseph Zikuski said on Saturday no motive for the shooting had been determined but he confirmed reports that Wong had felt degraded by his inability to speak English and by a recent job loss.

The letter was dated March 18, more than two weeks before the attack.

Other killers who have randomly fired on unarmed civilians have also left notes.

A man who killed 32 people at the campus of Virginia Tech University two years ago in the worst mass shooting in U.S. history mailed a package to NBC television in New York containing photos of him brandishing guns and a video of him delivering an angry, profanity-laced tirade. He also left a long written note in his dorm room.

Binghamton is a city of 45,000 people about 150 miles northwest of New York City.

(Reporting by Daniel Trotta; Editing by Claudia Parsons and Doina Chiacu)

Bud Helms

Senior Member
Actually, Chris, now that the news has broken on this one and it seems there are so many shootings in the news, we are inundated with updates on television and here on the internet.

We probably don't need every update that comes out. Let's give it a rest.

I'll close this one now.
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