More Nonsense from San Francisco

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Paul B.

New member
Why am I not surprised? :mad: I left California back in 1968. :cool: I'm a firm believer in flunk now and avoid the rush. :rolleyes:
Paul B.
No surprise here but there is a bill now introduced to outlaw lead ammunition use at all gun ranges.

I think we all know it's a bill to ban ammunition, period. They know there are very few sources for lead-free ammunition.

Their idea is that the Heller decision protects ownership of guns, but not ammunition, so this is an easier way to curtail the gun culture. They've admitted as much on several occasions.


New member
I did a little research yesterday. You can get lead free 9mm for about $17 a box. So not too bad. But lead free 45, closer to $36 to $40. And we know that lead free is only available for the most high volume of calibers and is not in and of itself better at doing anything than traditional jacketed ammo. Increased risk at sparking fires, reduced accuracy. Those pushing for these measures are not shooters and don't care about the undue burden they put on others. We know spraying round up causes more incidences of disease than target shooting using lead ammo.

TX Nimrod

New member
Nothing personal here; while I despise the left’s attempts to curtail our 2A rights, how do we “know” that exposure to Roundup causes more health issues than does exposure to lead at indoor ranges? Are there studies supporting this? Or is it just wishful thinking? We shouldn’t fall into the trap that the left uses to attack us - making up data to support their beliefs.



New member
And what about the cops?

Funny thing, apparently lead isn't an environmental threat when it's fired by the police or military, because both have exemptions.

Fortunately, this bill was withdrawn, at least for this year.

Note to the OP: The capital of California is Sacramento, not San Francisco.
how do we “know” that exposure to Roundup causes more health issues than does exposure to lead at indoor ranges? Are there studies supporting this? Or is it just wishful thinking? We shouldn’t fall into the trap that the left uses to attack us - making up data to support their beliefs

Because a jury comprised of non scientific people decided, after listening to ambulance chasers make up b.s. decided that Roundup is causing cancer.

44 AMP

Leaving aside the "good way to get rid of ammo" thoughts, their logic on lead goes something like this...if some amount = bad then ANY amount = bad so all exposure must be ended for public safety.

This is why you can't have lead based paint on the frame of your dirt bike, because some 2 year old might put the vehicle in their mouth..:rolleyes:

I took at look at the bill in the provided link, and while there was no exemption for the police, the bill specifically addresses "sporting" shooting ranges as defined in some other section of the CA code.

so, while I did not bother to go research that definition I'm fairly confident that police ranges are not part of that particular definition, so no exception in the bill for police ranges would be needed.


New member
TX, I said incidences of disease, not specifically at ranges, but as a whole. After all isn't this type of lead ban based on a "public health" arguent? Round up is sprayed on just about every field, in every orchard, along road sides, around homes, etc. It is far more harmful to people and the environment than discharging ammo containing lead. When is the last time chronic shooting of lead containing ammo caused lymphoma? When is the last time you got lead poisoning from a leaky ammo can?


New member
Who is the biggest threat to the Second Amendment, and why?

Interesting discussion while hunkered down today, so we can try it here.
But let’s keep this civil and focused: Name 1 (one - uno) person, not a group, that you believe is the greatest threat in the United States (Putin can’t play here) to the Second Amendment, AND why?
1 entry per person only.


New member
Who is the biggest threat to the Second Amendment,

TXAZ: Non-voting "eligible" US Citizen. These citizens have no compulsion to support anything and serve as a drag on both sides.


New member
When I left Canada for the USA, Orlando to be precise. My casting .45 H&G #68
semi-wadcutters. On my balcony. My indoor range I leased for my classes, with a crap filter system, gave me lead poisoning! Signes, my nails were blue!
Three months away from all that, cured. Once I obtained my G Lic. To work as an armed Security Officer. Working for my Son. Went to an indoor range, once a year to requal. No problem.

Reference banning lead bullets? There are all kinds of different materials to make bullets out of. One being frangible blows up on steel! Cheaper than lead.
TXAZ said:
Who is the biggest threat to the Second Amendment, and why?
Interesting discussion while hunkered down today, so we can try it here.
But let’s keep this civil and focused: Name 1 (one - uno) person, not a group, that you believe is the greatest threat in the United States (Putin can’t play here) to the Second Amendment, AND why?
1 entry per person only.
This discussion started out as being about a proposed ban on ammunition with lead bullets. That's firearms related. Once we segue into naming enemies of the Second Amendment and start assigning reasons, there's no way the discussion can avoid becoming political ... and we don't do politics here.


If anyone thinks this thread should be re-opened, please PM a moderator and explain the reason(s) for your your request.
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