More manuals or Loadbooks USA for each caliber?


New member
I have "Modern Reloading 2nd Edition" and a Hornady manual that I have loaned out (temp for another new reloader). Anyway I found these lacking in many different types of bullets. I really don't wanna fork over so much money for each bullet manufactures manual.

I was looking at the Loadbook USA manuals that are individual for each caliber. Would those be a good route? I am loading 9mm, .223 and .308win.


New member
I have one paper manual and consider that enough because it has case dimensions and background on the round, many powder and bullet choices, etc.

There is a bunch of information from good sources - free on the Internet. Powder makers are a great source of information for one. I try to use Alliant powders exclusively, but the powder shortage situation is putting a crimp in that.


New member
The shortages are the reason I am in need of consulting more bullet info. Beggars can't be I am buying bullets when I can and not what I normally would shoot.