More HK P30 Problems...

Went to the range today to try out our new XD(m). I brought along our other pistols as well. All was well until I broke out the HK....

Before anyone asks....yes, I did use reloads. Yes, all my guns use reloads. Yes, I did try the exact same batch of 9mm in the XD(m) that I fed in the P30. I've concluded that reloads aren't the issue here.

Upon about the 3rd mag, troubles started. I had a failure to eject. The slide initially allowed me to lock it back to view. The gun fired, but the case remained in the chamber. I thought I'd simply pull out the case after dropping the mag. Wrong. It was stuck in there. Whether this was stupid or not, I brought the slide back down and tried to get the extractor to pull it out like it's intended. No dice. Once I did that, the slide wouldn't rack. This case was really in there. I gently yet firmly tapped the front of the slide on a hard plastic surface and finally got it to release. I inspected the barrel for obstuction and defects. None noted. For giggles, I inserted the other mag and tried again. Same exact malfunction. After getting that stuck case out, inspected, cleaned and reassembled, I tried a different batch of reloads. It happened yet once again. I gave up the ghost and finished out the day with the other guns. For the record, my wife used this gun for a training course and had this same malfunction from time to time. I didn't think much of it since we fired quite a few rounds and it was a fast paced course.

The XD(m) not only fired fine with the same batches, I took the rounds from the P30 mags and loaded them into the M and fired without a hitch, also. When I got home, I reinspected everything. I'm starting to think there might be something wrong with the barrel. I took a fired case from the M and one from the P30. I reinserted the fired case in the M's barrel and it slid in snugly just like it should. I tried the P30 and it wansn't having anything of it. I didn't press any further. Swapped the cases and the original P30 case wouldn't even start in the M. The original M dropped in the P30's barrel. I measured the cases. The P30's was several thousandths larger with a ridge about 1/4 the way down from the mouth. The cases have always formed this way in the P30. I'm beginning to wonder if they machined the chamber incorrectly. It looks as if they started to ream for a larger size and stopped about 3/4 the way down. Is this normal for HKs? Do you think this may be part of the problem.

I'm probably going to call HK next week and see if I can ship it to them. I've had slide stop issues as well since not too long after I bought it. What do you guys/gals think? I'll try to post pics if I can manipulate the camera. I can't promise anything since I'm extremely computer illiterate.


New member
Until you fire factory ammo H&K - nor probably any other company - will have much to say, unfortunately. They may conclude it's a "user-induced failure".


New member
I had a P30 for a week. Mine too was problematic with WWB ammo. It would fail to extract. Half of the time the casings would actually fall back into the ejection port thereby causing a failure.

I tried several other brands of ammo with the same result. I returned it to my dealer who kindly offered to let me pick something else out.


New member
The one and only picture I have of it. This was taken when I got it home...

Until you fire factory ammo H&K - nor probably any other company - will have much to say, unfortunately. They may conclude it's a "user-induced failure".

I should have clarified. I've fired factory ammo out of it also. IIRC, there were 4 FTE during the course out of about 1500 rounds fired. Three of them were with UMC and WWB ammo. I've come to the conclusion that it isn't the ammo whether it's factory or reloads. All of my other guns have had reloads galore in them and I've never had issues. The only time I have is when I'm working up or experimenting different combinations of charge, primer brand, powder brand, bullet brand, and OAL. Malfunctions are expected when your testing what works best for a gun. After finding what works best for my applications, I've never had an issue induced by a reload.

I'm sure if I disclose that I use reloads and factory, HK might void my warranty. That's fine. Millions of gunowners shoot reloads through their guns. If a firearm manufacturer wants to void a warranty just because of this, I'll sell the gun AFTER it gets fixed and spend my money elsewhere. However, I'm not going to make a knee jerk reaction. I need to give HK a chance to make things right.


New member
Given your observations, comparisons of the fired cases, and measurements of them, I would contact HK and tell them that it was ALL factory ammo that you've fired from both guns, offer to send them fired cases, and ask them for a barrel with a proper chamber.

I would at no point mention anything with regards to handloads.

Yup, every manufacturer adds their caveats with regards to reloads, and this is typically due to the legal department.

In my opinion, you deserve a pistol that functions with properly reloaded ammo, and the best way to make sure that happens is to leave the subject of reloads completely out of the conversation with them.

I would even go as far as to make sure you send them cases ejected (or pounded out) from the HK with all WIN brass... and re-prime them with WIN primers or ejected primers directly from WIN brass.

I'm not dishonest by nature, but this is a means to an end and an "untruth" that I would file under "victimless crime." Whatever it takes to make HK give you a proper pistol, that's the road that you should take.


New member
+1 to what sevens said. Make sure you do not mention you used reloads... To my knowledge every companies policy is, if you use them you void your warranty


New member
Re: sending spent brass with the gun:

I'd make sure they were actually from the factory loads (not just cases with a WIN headstamp, re-primed or whatever).
I believe there will be multiple marks on the brass from the extractor and ejector on the reloaded stuff.
I'd hate to have the warranty voided because one of their guys noticed this.
Better safe than sorry.
Sevens said:
I would at no point mention anything with regards to handloads.

I'm going to explain the malfunctions happened with factory loads. That's the truth. Leaving out the fact that it happened to reloads also isn't providing the whole story. My belief is it's a lie. Call it hypocritical, but if they ask me if any reloads were used I'm going to say yes. If they don't ask, I'm not telling.

I'd make sure they were actually from the factory loads (not just cases with a WIN headstamp, re-primed or whatever).

They were factory loads.

Boats said:
Sell it off. There's always another sucker out there scratching a video game or airsoft itch.

I may. But I want it fixed by HK first. By reading up in an HK forum, I found that the warranty is only from the original purchaser. I'd rather lose a little money disclosing the history of the gun than to sell it without being fixed. That's how I roll.
Well this is disapointing. I rented one and have wanted it ever since.

Although I personally haven't had good luck with this P30 so far, doesn't necessarily mean most of them are problematic. By all means, take note of my issues. But don't make a decision based soley on my experiences.

Just my $.02...


New member
I had a similar problem with my Pointman, the first time that I shoot it. I called them and told them what was going on and they seamed to think it might be the barrel, so it mailed back to them Monday, we will see. Good luck with yours, I hear there service can be bad, so keep us posted.

guns and more

New member
I have a P-30. It's the finest handgun I own.
I have used nothing but WWB from Wal-Mart and never had a failure.
I would try different ammo after a good cleaning. That's very unlike H&K.

Are you sure this isn't a Glock conspiracy?

Big Ben

New member
I have 1500 plus rounds now through my P30 without a single malfunction. It really is a very high quality reliable gun. Only real issue (lots of HK's) is the right rattle trap ambi slide release level but that was an easy fix. I'm quite sure HK will support you on this one and I greatly respect your honestly...BB


New member
Boats said:
Sell it off. There's always another sucker out there scratching a video game or airsoft itch.

Note to self: never purchase a gun from Boats. :p

Anyway, every gun maker has its lemons. I'll admit it's probably a rarer occurrence with HK than others, IMO. Good luck with that one, Tuttle. Hopefully HK will make it right...