More Gun Hysteria in Florida


New member
More Gun Hysteria in Florida

"A pair of nine-year-olds in Hollywood, Fla., have been arrested for playing with toy guns, the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reports. ... (T)he two boys were arrested, charged with 'disrupting a school function' and suspended from school for three days. 'There's no such thing as a toy gun anymore,' Broward County schools spokesman Joe Donzelli says. So how can you be arrested for possessing something that doesn't exist?"

- Best of the Web, 5/14/01
via GOP News & Views - May 18, 2001


Train your children right homeschool!!!

Tropical Z

New member
And they wonder why Americas school children can't point out the U.S. on a world map! They're being taught by complete idiots!I would have hoped for better from Florida.:(


New member
"There is no such thing as a toy gun anymore."

What? Last I checked I've got a box-full of 'em tucked away somewhere. Everything from lever-action capguns to an M-16 type that takes batteries and makes electronic sounds when you pull the trigger.


New member
Best memories of my childhood playing Cowboys and Indians (I mean Native Americans)war with those EVIL cap guns. What a bunch of BS.

Red Label

New member
What the hell else can you expect from the state that held America hostage last year because of the stupidity of its voters?

David Scott

New member
The voters never voted for these dumbass "zero tolerance" rules. They're enacted by petty administrators who get off on power trips.


New member
I'm with David on that one. MOF, you should be thanking us republicans in FL for handing you Bush instead of Gore.
Yes, there are some A-holes here in Florida, but they are MOVING here from other very liberal states (PRK and New York). Dixieland spirit still shines from some households and the RKBA is alive and well. You should know better, the Antis always get the broadcast while the RKBA people are muted. Seriously, as if this similar scenario hasn't already happened in your state, it will. ***U.

Dave P

New member
South Florida

Isn't Hollywood in the state of New York South? (not the real Florida) In fact, that's were Reno returned to, and BTW she is thinking of running for Governor!
:barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

Red Label

New member
A.Rex -- sorry if my comments offended you. They were tongue-in-cheek. The joke was just to handy to not use. There are good people in every state of the union. And there are dipsh*its in every state also. My state (Montana) is the home of the "wackos in hiding" and takes it on the chin all the time -- but I just chuckle. Because I'd still rather live here than in CA, NY, FL, MA... the list goes on. Of course, just like every other state, we're quickly becoming an extension of California due to the massive influx of them. Where the hell to they all come from?


New member
Red Label, no it wasn't your comments that offended me.
In fact, I just reread my old post and I feel I should apologise to YOU. It was a bit saucy. Too much caffine or something? No offense meant, or taken.
Good luck on keeping the Libs out of your wonderful state. If my wife could stand the cold, I'd probably would've got a few acres there myself.

Red Label

New member
No problem A.Rex. The feeling's mutual -- I'd love to have some land in Florida. I could never live down there though, because I need mountains in my life. But I'd sure like to spend the winters down there!