More European Arrogance - World Court Rules Against U.S.

Found this on the BBC. Another shining example of European arrogance and self-righteousness:

The World Court has ruled against the United States for ignoring the international legal rights of two German-born brothers executed for murder in Arizona.
Germany filed a case with the court, arguing that US officials had violated the Vienna Convention by not informing German consular officials of the arrest and conviction of the brothers.

Germany said the lack of consular representation might have cost the brothers their lives.

The US did not deny having violated the convention, but said the brothers had received a fair trial and 15 years of appeals. Washington apologised to Germany for failing to notify the consulate.

Bungled robbery

Walter and Karl LaGrand were convicted of murdering a bank manager in a 1982 robbery.

The brothers were German citizens who moved to the US as toddlers.

Walter was gassed to death in March 1999, despite an emergency order from the World Court to stop his execution. Karl was executed before Germany filed the case.

In its 14-1 ruling on Wednesday, the World Court also asserted that its provisional orders to national courts are legally binding - a landmark statement.

The court criticised the state of Arizona for ignoring its order to delay the execution of Walter LeGrand until it could hear Germany's case.

New measures

The brothers first informed the German consul about their case in 1992 - when "all legal avenues had been exhausted", Germany says.

The World Court accepted the US argument that it had established a department to deal with consular issues affecting foreigners arrested under US law.

It said that the department "must be regarded as meeting Germany's request for general assurance" that the problem will not occur again.

The case was unusual in that it pitted two allies against each other. Most cases that go before the UN's highest legal body involve opponents who cannot work their difficulties out behind closed doors.

Correspondents say that the tension between the US and Europe over the death penalty may have prompted Germany to take the case to court.

The Court ordered the US to review the convictions of all German nationals on Death Row in cases where their consular rights have not been respected.

The BBC correspondent at the Hague says the US may choose how this review may be done.

She said as a result it is not clear yet if it will mean a posthumous reprieve for either of the Lagrand brothers.

Of special note is this incredible statement:

"In its 14-1 ruling on Wednesday, the World Court also asserted that its provisional orders to national courts are legally binding - a landmark statement."

[Rant mode on]

Landmark my a**! As if we should waive our national sovereignty merely just to mollify a bunch of whining, self-righteous, arrogant, socialist, statist little prigs. It's very simple, Europeans: If you come to America and commit murder, you will die for the privilege. All the public posturing and legal fictions in the world will not change that fact.

[Rant mode off]

Anybody else have any thoughts?


New member
If the World Court calls, I'll be in my basement loading magazines. Take a message and then tell them to take a leap.

This crap is out of a sci-fi novel. Maybe the Birchers are right (shudder)?


New member

I was simultaneously incredulous and amused at the World Court's statement that it's rulings were legally binding to national courts. To state that they have jurisdiction over all national courts, simply because they say so, is a display of arrogance to say the least. They can kiss my bender!

It would be like me proclaiming myself Emperor of Georgetown, and stating that henceforth, all of my proclamations are legally binding, because I say so, that's why! I seriously hope our elected and appointed officials are not taking this any more seriously than the extent of playing political footsie with it.




Moderator Emeritus
Originally posted by Trouble:
It would be like me proclaiming myself Emperor of Georgetown, and stating that henceforth, all of my proclamations are legally binding, because I say so, that's why!
I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, people would put me away! -- Dennis

*CAN* we put these people on the court away??? Please?!!!



New member
I think they should order the invasion of Arizona.

They`ll be wearing blue helmets I presume? Just curious.


New member
I happen to be on the side of Germany in this case somewhat. They were German citizens were they not? Then as such they did have a right to have assistance in their defence by German authorities.

That said..... They don't give a damn about protecting their citizens, this is just an attempt to assert themselves that's all. Plain and simple.


New member
Next time we will give the clowns all of the representation they want and Germany can foot the bill for their fifteen years of specious stays, appeals and, of course, the electric bill.


Is this not the same court that declared nuclear weapons illegal back in '96? Further, did not the US acceptance of world court jurisdiction come with "restrictive conditions", excluding domestic matters?

Maybe they cover this as a one day tutorial in first year law school nowadays, maybe some of the resident lawyers can enlighten us.

The emperor has no clothes.

Jeff White

New member
How Many Battalions do they Have?

The World Court decree that their decisions are binding on National Courts carries the same weight as a decree I might make that I am the president of the world bank and only currency that bears my likeness is legal tender.

Decrees by the World Court and the UN are just so much hot air. They only mean something if our elected officials agree to abide by them. So I choose to ignore them.

When a member of congress introduces legislation to make a decree by one of these bodies the law of the land, then I'll worry. Until then, they can sit there and pontificate anything they want. Doesn't mean a thing.

Until someone offers to provide them with the ability to force their will on us, they are a joke.

The same goes for the UN. Where will those blue helmeted troops that so many of you fear come from? Honduras usually ponies up a platoon or so, Barbados often commits some paramilitary police officers, maybe a few battalions from Sierra Leone. Perhaps China could field enough troops to occupy the US at the behest of the United Nations, but their economy could not support them in the field. The UN itself surely couldn't afford to finance such an operation. IIRC, the last time the UN voted to have a war, it was in 1950 and the US military bore the brunt of the fighting with token representaion from Great Britian, Australia, Turkey and a couple other nations. Lets not let them draw our attention away from the real threat....the ongoing civil war over our culture and way of life.



New member
Let em whine........the German Consul was informed in 92, the executions were in 99.........they had years to play with it.


New member
I am sure that most of you have heard " I shook the hand that shook the hand that shook the hand of Abraham ." Well quite simply put we kicked the butt of the guy that kicked their butt . If it were not for us there would be no them . They should show some gratitude . By the way , with all this foreign aid and other assistance . What did they do before there was a United States ????? These countries have statues older than our country but it seems that they can do nothing without our help and MONEY!!! We need to leave them alone to sort out all their little misunderstandings . Then we make friends with whoever is left . " Last man standing , give us a call ." Simple , huh ???


New member
PLEASE invade Arizona, please... I won't hurt the blue helmets, in fact they won't feel a thing. :p :p

The world court, what a joke. Screw Europe and the horse they rode in on.


Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
I completely agree regarding the arrogant, almost psychotic disconnect from reality of this court--but they wouldn't have had the chance to do this if we had not in fact violated the treaty--and we admit that we did. So unless it's one of those truly kooky deals like the treaties we haven't ratified but are expected to follow, we were in the wrong on this particular case.

It may be arrogant of the Germans to think our punishments unfair, but the same rule that protects their citizens from our courts protects our citizens from, for example, Mexican courts, at least to a degree. I presume we agree with that principle, which means we have to abide by it even when it really sucks.

Ought Six

New member
World Court is a tool to embarass the strong and bully the weak

The World Court is a pretty toothless body (so far, anyways).
"The court's verdict is binding and not subject to appeal, but the World Court has no independent means to enforce compliance. If one side feels the other has failed to live up to a court ruling, it can ask the U.N. Security Council to impose sanctions."
Since we hold a seat on the Security Council, we can veto any sanctions. The World Court can only try to embarass us. They are, however, a useful tool for the strionger nations on the Security Council to bully the weaker ones that can't veto such sanctions.



New member
The world court and the germans couldn't give a flying leap for justice. Here is what they really want:
No one is thinking about compensation at the moment. What is more important is that the German government use this decision and their political weight to ensure that the Apelt brothers in Arizona are not sent to their deaths,'' Steffen Ufer told Reuters.

``In this case as well the Vienna Convention was violated because the consulate was not informed in time so they could raise funds (for defense).''

``If the Apelts are executed then I think we would consider looking for compensation,'' said Ufer, who also represents the Apelt brothers.

Rudi and Michael Apelt were sentenced to death for the murder of Rudi's wife.

It's all about the money.



Actually, It isn't unusual AT ALL for American citizens to be arrested and jailed in foreign countries (especially Mexico and the Bahamas). They do the time or pay the fine WITHOUT much help from the US Consulate (they MIGHT tell your family where you are).


New member
World Court

This ruling will really not matter. What will matter is that people will get used to the World court ruling and slowly the goverment will slowly get everyone used to the idea that we have to obey and then our sovereignty will be gone. Things like this are what has me most worried. We are slowly ceasing to exist as a sovereign and free people. This country was founded as an incredible experiment in government and we are slowly destroying what was the greatest nation on earth. I am sorry if what I say is harsh and is not meant to b ecritical, but I am afraid of where this country is headed.
