More Desperate, More Ugly - Thomas Sowell


Staff Emeritus
This post by Jeff Thomas was attached to a thread in the General Forum - apparently by a software glitch.
-- Dennis

In case the link dies ...


Thomas Sowell

More desperate, more ugly

IT WAS ONLY a few words among the millions that have been spewed out
through the media about the presidential election, but they were among
the weightiest -- and most chilling -- of these words. A front-page story in
the Wall Street Journal mentioned in passing "a quiet
intelligence-gathering operation" begun by the Gore camp, "checking into
the backgrounds of Republican electors, with an eye toward persuading
them to vote for Mr. Gore."

Those who vote in the electoral college are not legally bound to vote for
those whom the voters in their states voted for. But if the Gore operatives
are merely trying to "persuade" Bush electors to defect, then why this
hush-hush digging into the past of these electors?

All this is going on while the Gore spokesmen are saying on TV at every
opportunity that "every vote should count." But a Bush voter's vote will
not count if his elector who actually votes in the electoral college decides
to vote for Gore, rather than have some scandal from his past made

This is only the latest in the desperate and ugly tactics used by the Gore
camp, in order to take the presidency by all means necessary. Nor is this
a new tactic for the Clinton/Gore administration.

It was used against Congressman Bob Livingston and Chairman Henry
Hyde, whose old extra-marital affairs were dug up and made public on the
eve of the impeachment hearings. It was used against Linda Tripp, whose
confidential personnel files were made public, with an assurance from
Attorney General Janet Reno that the person who made them public
would not be prosecuted.

This is the same administration that kept Wen Ho Lee in solitary
confinement for nine months without a trial, on grounds that he was so
dangerous to national security that he could not be allowed at large -- and
then dropped the vast majority of the charges against him when time
came to put up or shut up in court. This supposedly dangerous man had
been free as a bird for months after the security breach that he was
accused of had taken place, before he was suddenly locked up -- and he is
now free as a bird yet again after all but one of the 58 charges were

This extraordinary punishment without conviction caused something
equally extraordinary -- a public apology in open court to Mr. Lee by the
federal judge who had sent him to prison. The judge had done so on the
basis of dire national security claims made by the Clinton administration,
claims which the judge now said turned out to be completely misleading.

The "politics of personal destruction," which Bill Clinton has publicly
deplored, has been his method of operation for years, going all the way
back to his days as governor of Arkansas. Al Gore has now taken over the
techniques of his mentor, with his operatives' innuendoes about Ralph
Nader's sex life on the eve of the election and their digging up George W.
Bush's minor brush with the law 24 years ago.

More is involved here than "dirty tricks" or the character flaws of those
who engage in them.

These corrupt ways of operating are a danger to the very nature of
American government. If you can steal an election by blackmailing
members of the electoral college, then democracy becomes a farce.

Constitutional checks and balances mean nothing if you can blackmail
anyone who would expose your illegal actions and ruin a few of them just
to show that you mean business. Bob Livingston was scheduled to become
Speaker of the House, but now he is not even a member of Congress.
Who would ever want to prosecute any president for anything and be
subjected to months of character assassination like Kenneth Starr,
including reckless and inflammatory charges that Starr had violated the
law? These charges all turned out to be wholly unsubstantiated when
examined in a court of law, but that did not stop them from being
repeated anyway on nationwide television during the impeachment

If the government of the United States is going to be run like the mafia or
a Third World despotism, what does our freedom amount to? Any of us
could be thrown into prison and kept in solitary confinement for months
like Wen Ho Lee, until we "confessed" to something -- however minor --
just so we could get out, and so that the administration gets off the hook
legally and Janet Reno can discount our statements as those of a

Is this America? Do we want another administration like this?

JWR contributor Thomas Sowell, a fellow at the Hoover Institution, is
author of several books, including his latest, A Personal Odyssey.



New member
Just why do you think they call it the
Federal Mafia, anyway?

No banana republic is any more rotten;
just poorer and less powerfull.


New member
Thanks Dennis, I needed my morning dose of dread. ;)

On a serious note however, I was informed that most states have laws against defecting electors. Even though there is no penalty at the Federal level. Is that true?


New member
Mr. Sowell paints a chilling picture and IMO a true representation of Clinton/Gore and their goon squads.