Moonclip Tools


New member
Can anybody suggest some decent tools to both put rounds onto a moon clip and to take them off of the moon clip.


Jim Watson

New member
Tom Kilhoffer has a tool that looks like a fat screwdriver that pops off one empty at a time with little effort. He also sells a device to load clips.

Brownells also sells the screwdriver type strippers, Dillon sells a device like a pair of nutcrackers that removes empties two at a time; three clicks and you are done.


New member
You can make your own unloader with a piece of pipe just big enough to fit a .45 ACP round. Cut a step in the top of it that the bottom of the .45 case, up to the top of the groove, will fit in. The pipe should be cut down a bit less than half the way around. If you want to get fancy you can knurl the bottom part. I bought one of these for $3 about 15 years ago and have felt no need for a more expensive device. The cases will slide down the inside of the tube into a box, or you can hold your hand over the end until the tube fills and dump them then. Fast, simple and cheap!

I've had little trouble loading clips manually, so have no suggestions on a loading tool.


New member
To answer your question, I don't think any company makes a device for putting them in. I made my first case remover from a left over aluminum tent pole. The description of the cut ACP230 gave is perfect. I left the pole about 30 inches long. The cases slide down the tube and into a waiting bucket, or if I'm really lazy into the waiting, running tumbler. Then I use an old ratty piece of denim to polish the carbon off the moon clips.