Monitoring of US Citizens, again...


New member
Man, this gives me the jibblies...

Personally, I'm most disgusted by the idea of not telling people they were investigated after the fact, and by not destroying records obtained after innocence is proven. :barf:

Wolfe... (Who's never committed a crime, but is still growing more and more paranoid daily for good reasons.)


New member
You are suprised by this? We let happen when we let a prefabricated document called the "Patriot Act" to come into being.

In 2003 it was reported that the FBI recieved the name of everyone registered in any Las Vegas hotel during New Years, as well as flight manifest. Why would this seem so far fetched?


I know that I'm on "lists" and databases. Not only from my security clearances and such but from buying guns (come on, do you REALLY believe they destroy the records), CHL, etc..

If I disappear in the middle of the night, you will all know what happened.


*whose big mouth will get him in trouble one of these days :eek:


New member
Wayne; Just posting here can get you on a list. So maybe one day we will meet in some abonded mine shack in the middle of the desert! :D


I guess what I always end up thinking when this topic comes up is whether the gov't actually has enough employees to closely monitor all of us low grade wackos. Sure, there are computers recording lots of crap, but to think that a few thousand NSA, FBI, ATF and CIA (or whichever other scary people you like to include) personnel to actually consider how desperately someone like Wayne needs to be arrested.

Perhaps the aliens can provide some robots to take some of the case load?