Monarch Ammo


New member
from Russia. Is this the same as wolfe? Academy in Austin has .223 for less than $5.00 a box but it is apparently some sort of laquer coating over steel. Crap or shootable? accelerated barrel wear?


Mad Martigan

New member
Shootable crap. :)

I've not used any .223, but I've shot 9mm and .30-30. The .30-30 functions excellently and I have no complaints, save some small but obvious case anomalies. The 9mm shoots just fine, but is very dirty, smelly, and seems to have an exaggerated muzzle flash (slower powder?).


New member
I've used the 9mm, (it's the cheapest I can find) and it seems to shoot fairly well for target ammo. In fact I seem to group better with it than the white box Winchester. However, it is extremely dirty shooting stuff. It gunks up the weapon quite a bit and every time a casing hits me it leaves black gunk on me. Otherwise I've had not problems and don't mind using it for target or plinking ammo.


New member
i just threw about 20 down range yesterday in.223 and i have no complaints. for the price great ammo. no jams , no missfires , no trouble cycling in bushmaster. i knw 20 rounds isnt a whole lot but from the groups i got i will buy plenty more..