Moms Demand Action merges with Bloomberg

Now that Bloomberg is leaving office, he'll have more free time to spend his money. One of his first acts is merging Shannon Watts' organization with Mayors against Illegal Guns.

The combined group will align Bloomberg's deep pockets with the strong social network and media savvy the mothers' group brings. The billionaire founder of Bloomberg News said last week that he'll "devote extensive resources of my own" to the effort.

Depending on how the 2014 midterms go, we could very well see a renewed push this time next year. These guys keep working, while gun owners tend to get complacent if the issue drops off the front page for a few weeks.


New member
These guys keep working, while gun owners tend to get complacent if the issue drops off the front page for a few weeks.

Sadly, you are so right Tom.

We gun owners do tend to get complacent unless we see/hear in the media that the anti-gun orgs. are on the path of doing something like presenting a new anti-gun bill or something of the likes.

With Bloombergs long history in his quest to outlaw all guns and spending millions of his own fortune plus what he can raise to do so, it comes as no surprise to hear of his future intentions.
He has not invested the kind of money he has thus far while being in the political spotlight to stop when he gets out of office. And I would expect his antics to get much worse (if that's possible) once he's out of office and is no longer a political figure.

We gun owners need to get up every morning knowing that just because there is not something anti-gun pressing in the news, that somewhere in this country the anti-gun wheels of at least one organization are turning in some kind of fashion to cripple or destroy gun owners rights. That's their job. They silently work on new bills, lobby and support their political constituents, and try to win members to their organizations on a daily basis using tragedies as their main tool to do so.

The saying "Rome was not built in a day", comes to mind when looking at their tactics.

If we want to retain the rights to keep and bear our arms, we have to fight everyday to do so. Remembering, even when things seem to be quite in the media, it's nothing but the calm before the storm.


New member
Bloomburg and the rest of them should be arrested and charged with treason for trying to circumvent the Constitution.


New member
Bloomburg and the rest of them should be arrested and charged with treason for trying to circumvent the Constitution.

Actually Mr. Bloomberg has a Constitutional right to pursue these endeavors. Also, he’s not trying to circumvent the Constitution, but to change the legal interpretation.

These battles will be fought in the legislatures and the courtrooms, so we need to continually support those who defend our positions in these venues. This means contributing not just to the NRA, but also the NRA-ILA. It also means periodically contacting your political representatives even if you feel they don’t support out positions.


New member
I give as much money as I can. I write my representatives. I talk to as many people as will still listen and even some that will not. I go to rallies when I can. I spend a lot of time talking and reading about it on this site. I enjoy the site, the debate, keeping up on the latest issues, and learning new ways to address the problem. But it is not going to make much of a difference to talk to all of you about it. I still feel like I am not doing enough or making a difference. What more can I do to try and make a daily dent in the problem?


New member
Allow me to translate...

The combined group will align Bloomberg's deep pockets with the strong social network and media savvy the mothers' group brings.
Bloomberg's astroturfing efforts were proving ineffective and unconvincing, and the merger is a calculated attempt to give MAIG some semblance of grassroots legitimacy.


New member
History has proven there is strength in numbers. Maybe this is Bloombergs line of thought for trying to organize things the way he's doing.

As the great Dr. Henry Kissinger once said back in the late 70's or early 80's(I forget the exact time) when the United was having a massive 'scaling down' of our military:

"We have military strategic power over the other super powers of the world but we need to closely monitor the amount of scaling back militarily that we do because there is a point and time that brute force power will overcome strategic power every time".

Bloomberg and his cronies continually try to amass a bigger army of anti-gun supporters that will 'out yell' (if you will) in unison so as to draw attention to their cause and get their agenda's accomplished through the courts.

The very reason they cheaply use every tragic school shooting and other gun related tragic events as a sounding board or opportunity to gain membership and support for their cause. Spinning the tragedy to make it sound beneficial for their cause and selling it to those willing to listen.
But make no mistake, when things are quite, they are very vigilant in trying to amass support as well.


New member
With so many mayors jumping ship and Bloomers no longer being a mayor, I think he's decided to morph MAIG into something with the appearance of legitimacy. The new name is apt: Illegal Mayors Demand Action of Moms Now Every Day, or I'm Damned.
The new name is apt: Illegal Mayors Demand Action of Moms Now Every Day, or I'm Damned.
Or, for those who recall, the Million Mom March, which was actually about 5,000 strong.

Still, the takeaway is this: they are consolidating their resources into something more unified, and they're working constantly, even in the political off-season.


New member
The difference between us and Bloomberg is that most of us have to work for a living and don't have the time or money to scheme every day how to force laws down other people's throats (as in CO).

We work and try to influence our reps and friends and family bit by bit, and send some $$ to gun organizations. But it aint my full-time vocation. So far our shear numbers of amateur activists and voters have usually out voted the gun grabbers small groups of paid extreme activists influence.

In this case we have a deep-pocket small group of crumbling politicos merging with a poor small group of amateur activists. I don't think it poses much more threat than the Crooked Mayors Against Self Defense or the various forms of Whackos for Banning All Guns Now have had.

We do need to keep the pressure on at the state level because that is where Bloomberg's money got some traction. That is withering and we need to make sure the taint of his failure follows him everywhere he pokes his head up. The hard part may be in countering the Administration strategy to use regulatory interpretation of laws to squeeze the gun/shooting industry.
rebs said:
Bloomburg and the rest of them should be arrested and charged with treason for trying to circumvent the Constitution.
More to the point, Bloomberg should have been arrested and prosecuted for hiring "private investigators" to go to other states and to transact knowingly unlawful straw purchases.

But, in this great nation of laws, some people are more equal than others.
More to the point, Bloomberg should have been arrested and prosecuted for hiring "private investigators" to go to other states and to transact knowingly unlawful straw purchases.
I have quite a bit of firsthand knowledge of the stings done in Georgia, and yes, he should have been prosecuted. He hired a private investigator to commit a felony. He did this across state lines, which puts in in RICO territory.

Anything? Nope. The DOJ claimed they'd opened an investigation, but nothing came of it. When the local news asked local prosecutors, they got nothing.

Money does that.


New member
But, in this great nation of laws, some people are more equal than others

I have quite a bit of firsthand knowledge of the stings done in Georgia, and yes, he should have been prosecuted. He hired a private investigator to commit a felony. He did this across state lines, which puts in in RICO territory.

Anything? Nope. The DOJ claimed they'd opened an investigation, but nothing came of it. When the local news asked local prosecutors, they got nothing.

Money does that.

Both of these sentiments are the very reason I can never put blind trust in the ' professional people ' in ' the system' without ever questioning their integrity or questioning the reasons things are often done the way they are within the system .

Is it possible Bloomberg would have never gotten by with this had there been people sitting in the Fed. positions responsible for the investigation other then people that Bloombergs contributed money may have helped either directly or indirectly put in there?

Makes one wonder.
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New member
rebs said:
Bloomburg and the rest of them should be arrested and charged with treason for trying to circumvent the Constitution.
You might wish to consult the Constitution for the definition of treason, it's the only crime defined in it and what Bloomberg is doing isn't even in the ballpark as far as treason goes. Just because someone is proposing laws you don't like doesn't make it treason.


He should have also been arrested in Bermuda for forcing them to allow his armed guards to accompany him even though the cop don't carry - what was he so afraid of on that golf course where no one has guns?


New member
Really, these anti-gun millionaires/billionaires and celebrities need to have their bodyguards disarmed so they can feel the "security" of the gun free society (at least disarmed law abiding citizens) they demand.


New member
Just have an LEO count the number of rounds in their magazines, then arrest the lot of them for having over seven rounds. And if Bloomberg opens his mouth, arrest him for interfering with a police officer and obstructing justice.

Something I'd like to see, anyway...


New member
Am I the only one considering this could be more about MOMS petering out than Bloomberg getting legitimacy? I wonder if the Moms in charge of the Demanding ran out of steam juggling soccer and facebook - So to speak. These women probably all have kids, PTA, homework, jobs, and so on in full and busy lives. And as was pointed out earlier, their million moms march fell a couple orders of magnitude short of the halfway point.

I would imagine folding in the "soldiers" with a group with more staying power could have been a palatable way to retire with dignity.


New member
Am I the only one considering this could be more about MOMS petering out

I also wonder how many real “Moms” were involved in the group to begin with. It was presented as a grassroots organization that represented the concerns of average Mothers, but was it just another alliance of the same anti-freedom/anti-gun crowd.