MOM march....Hackensack, N.J. !


New member
I was there, how come I only had 2 other counter marchers?
The MOM's had about 150-200.

Why did I have to stand and face the press from the Bergen Record(Newspaper), Chanell 9 & 12 NEWS....(NJ network news) ALONE..!

I stood there virtually alone talking about how I thought the call for trigger locks could be dangerous especially if some people think they could put them on loaded handguns in the house.
I brought my pistol safe, and demonstrated how if they are used instead a person can secure a handgun completely away from prying hands and curious children.
Without EVER , puttting anything in or near a firearms trigger.

I talked about how, registration and licensing firearm owners, has never stopped violence or crime or felons geting their hands on stolen or blackmarket firearms.

I spoke about if all the communities The minute a community crisis occured like a shooting of an unarmed person by a LEO, or a (Rodney King incident),and a community wide demostration was planned and tensions were running "really high".
Just, how long would it be before the police chief or the county sheriff decided that he should lock up and secure all the residential firearms....Just in case.!"
"till things calmed down" leaving YOU, your family,your home,your buisness...defenseless.

They would have the records to do it!

Then again were would you and I be to defend our families and communities.

I talked about how as a firearm owner and a Range Safety officer...I and every other NRA keeping our children safe...and the MOM's themselves.

Just NOT, some of the things they were calling for.

I stated that If an Individual is willing to trade their freedom,liberty,and their life to take anothers life....there is little anyone can do. Locks,laws,or whatnot.

Anyone can drive a car into a croud.
Start a fire, swing a knife or a bat...etc. when they are angry, disenfranchised with others, ostracized at school, it matters little.
The cause is the anger, the failure of the moral compass.

I spoke of how licensing and registration....ALWAYS lead to the confiscation of private firearms from lawfull citizens in nations around the world....each and every time in the last 100 years....history proves it.
And soon after confiscation you get a police state....with leaders like Chouchesque( spelling ?) who wind up persecuting the people who can no longer defend themselves.

I spoke of how mothers start with teaching their children NOT to touch sharp knives and scissors for fear of geting hurt.
How mothers teach their children not to touch the stove for fear of getting burned. How mothers teach their children how to safely cross the street.
How mothers take their children to Karate classes to teach them coordination,discipline and self defense skills.
BUT stop there and don't want to have their children taught the "Eddie Eagle program". WHY !!!!!!!!!

Don't you want your children to have the education and skills to leave the room, find and adult and tell them there is a an unsecured firearm present.

I talked about this and many more things...I taked about how most firearms owners secure and keep their firearms safe.

I talked about all the children who were taught firearms safety,respect, and discipline...are never the ones, causing these problems.

I sincerely hope that my efforts, will not be twisted, and edited in the wrong way.
I can only hope that I came across making a few points to support our eforts, as well as the MOM's .

But I have to ask " Why did I have to stand virtualy alone.....were was my help?"

I stood their with my pistol safe, answering questions from MOM's , and talking to camera's and reporters.
Were was the grass roots NRA support, from the NRA members in NJ.

I am exhausted and physically tired.
And I again can only hope my sole voice, projected just one good idea.
I never attacked or lambasted the MOM's.

Except.... for the one woman who tried to convince a reporter, that our firearms are just an extension of our lacking as men and a short changing of male stature as men.
( Saw were this was going...and beat her to it!!!!)

I cut her off, and addresed the reporter, and said here we go dregging up the "old guns are Phallic simbles retoric."
Nothing could be further from the truth, a mans virilty or veracity is not defind by the tools or toys he owns...but by the commitment to provide for his family and insure their protection, and the stability in the community, the state, and the country they live in.

But again I can only hope I came across well, and they don't cut and paste my points to paint me as a NRA nutcase, as they often do.

Keep your fingers crossed. I know I will be.

But why was I there alone ?
I know it was the MOM'S day on the County courthouse steps.
I never raised my voice, never made a spectacle of myself, and wouldn't let the other 2 men standing with me do so as well.

We were polite, held the one placard brought by one of the men proudly.
And talked to the poeple who came over to us on the other side of the baracades.
As some MOM's did as well as the press.

We stood were we were asked to, we did not interfere...we had no did the MOM's.
We were civil.
But, were was the NJ federation of rifle and pistol about a few 2nd Ammendment Sisters, how about a few firearms owners, at least.
NOT ! everyone from Bergen county went to Washington, D.C.

I'm tired, and I have to go to work tonight.
I won't have any access to a TV in my office.
So I won't no if any footage makes the air, or how I come across, or how they present it.

Good or bad, If I scored a valid viewpoint or if "Screwed the Pooch" least I showed up and gave it my try.

Fred D.Wolf

P.S. " If anyone in the NJ area catches a glimpse of a "Chubby" guy sporting a big mustache and glasses....wearing a vest with a NRA RANGE officer safety patch....that's yours truly."
firearms owners were to be registered.

[This message has been edited by WOLF (edited May 14, 2000).]