Mom got mugged!

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New member
Okay, so my mother-in-law (one of my favorite people) got mugged the other day and now she's understandably leery about going about her daily errands.
I feel bad about it because I live too far away to protect her, and have recommended counseling and some form of personal protection for security.
She's too frail and poor to become proficient with firearms at this point (handguns are not an option) and her doctor won't allow her to move out my way due to a heart condition.
So the question: If it was your mom, what would you recommend for personal protection?

She lives in PA, so all options are on the table.
I'm leaning towards mace, but I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the matter.


New member
i'd get mace. the foaming stuff if available.

i've been considering getting one my self and throwing it in the car or carry it while riding my bicycle or something.

its pretty cheap too, less then $10.


New member
Maybe tell her to look into some volunteer programs. I know some highschools have programs to help the elderly or handicap. They'll often help out by running errands or helping out for the day. Not saying its any better to have a highschool kid get mugged, but I think the chances are less, not to mention it may be a bit more comforting for her.

Aside from that, mace or a tazer is all I can think of.


Bud Helms

Senior Member
... her doctor won't allow her to move out my way due to a heart condition.
So the question: If it was your mom, what would you recommend for personal protection?

Her doctor won't allow her to move?

If it was my mom, I'd probably recommend she move away from the threat. You can find another doctor. Is carrying concealed an option?

EDIT: Okay, I see "handguns are not an option". I guess that rules out rifles too. In which case, this is not firearms related. See, this is not a Personal Protection board in the broad sense. This is a Firearms board. You have eliminated firearms from the solutions. With all due respect to your MIL's situation, this thread is off topic. And in all truthfulness, it seems you've hit on the answer and are simply seeking affirmation.

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