Molon Labe and the Alamo


New member
I visited San Antonio and the Alamo this last week. FWIW, Thermopylae is mentioned on one of the large bronze plaques mounted out in front, towards the street, at the Alamo.

I, of course, was wearing my stylish Molon Labe hat while visiting. I told one of the docents what it said and how it tied into Thermopylae. He loved it, and immediately carried me over to one of his co-workers so he could see it.

There are reproductions of the "Come and Take It" Gonzalez flag to be seen at the Alamo, and that story is part of the Alamo story.

If you go to visit, I recommend seeing the Imax Alamo movie at the RiverCenter, then visiting the Alamo itself.

Also, right next door to the Alamo is the Menger hotel. Teddy Roosevelt stayed here and recruited the Rough Riders in the bar. Lots of neat pictures from that era in the hotel lobby corridors, as well as a nice uniform / accounterments / weapons display that includes an infantry and a carbine Krag.

A great trip, San Antonio is a cool town, and visiting the Alamo is a "must do" for a firearms-owning lover of Freedom.

P.S. - I second KSFreeman's comment on Zuni (great chipotle salsa, calamari, and ahi), as well as RiverWalk girl-watching. If spouse is present, DO NOT forget your shades! :cool:
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New member
What Jim said. As well, go to the Zuni Grill on the Riverwalk and get an outside table. Great place to watch girls! (How had I been missing Tejas women all this time?)


New member
Gary, some historical pieces from the time period of the War of Tejas Liberation. What I thought was really silly was the inclusion of stuff like cartridge weapons like a Henry and a Win 1866?!? The curator must have run out of ideas, should have asked us at TFL.

When I was there in Feb. `99 after a TR class, I got to talking to an Englishman who was viewing firearms without the proper permits (must have gotten in trouble back home). He said he remembered John Wayne fighting with a weapon just like the Win 1866 in the Disney movie of The Alamo!?! Apparently knowledge of firearms is lacking in the Motherland or is at least on par with the People's Republic of Kalifornia's publik skuls.

Saint Tony is a great place, but anywhere is good if you have friends there and are always in town for good times (like TR and the Riverwalk).


Member In Memoriam
:D I agree with all the other place to NOT miss is Dick's on the damn babyback ribs to be had (besides my own cooking), cactus squeezings are good too, and as KSFreeman said with an outside table OHHLALA!. One young lady came in and sat right next to our table and wellllllll lets just say that her shorts were short!!!! My My she was "cheeky" :D :D