Mole season in Indiana

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Member in memoriam
Openening a bust

Indiana's mole season is under way.Too many problems opening day,but a total different approach today (4-19).The only laws/ rules are to use common sense and be alert.It's refreshing to hunt without rules,regulations,and license fees.Also any type hand or long gun is all Calibers,gauges, ammunition is legal(remember no rules).There are no bag limits.A mole is born to destroy your yard!! Start mole hunting today. :D


New member
Moles really tear up yards there. I have family in Fayette County. You hardly ever see the moles. Just the tunnels in the yard. Dad used bait, traps, nothing seemed to work. Dogs did better than we did.:confused:


New member
can you use depth charges? I hated the moles that would dig up our yard when I was a kid. I probably twisted my ankle once a month when I'd step into one of those soft spots.
Got get em all!


New member
Run a hose from the tail pipe of your truck down one of their tunnels and gas them out. The ones that die underground make good fertilizer...



Member in memoriam
Why yes,under the"no rules" clause,depth charges are not only legal but ENCOURAGED!The "gassing"would be very effective during the night on sleeping moles. :D


New member
Dig them up with a backhoe. Screen the dirt and shoot them on the screen with a 10ga shot gun...


Member in memoriam
Great methods guys,keep 'em coming!Rain moving out 4-20,yard mowed close and rolled,feel body count rising.Heck,may set up my Double Bull ground blind! Take care and be safe. :D


New member
A friend of a friend tried pouring fuel down one of the interconnecting mole holes.
When he lit it, geysers of flame came out of dozens of other holes.
It looked like a minature version of the planet Venus.
The place reportedly smelled like a fast food hamburger joint.


New member
This may seem a little insensitive but it has a proven track record.
Zyklon B was the trade name of a cyanide -based pesticide invented in Germany in the early 1920s.
They die underground where they lived.:D

T. O'Heir

New member
Why is this not a 'mole defence' thread? Much eating on a mole? snicker.
Cyanide-based pesticides are very likely illegal.

Evan Thomas

New member
I'm sure there are pest control forums out there, if anyone wants to pursue this sort of thing, but this has gone way off-topic for TFL.
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