Modifying a Pocket Holster for Large, Baggy Pockets?


New member
I recently purchased a Desantis Nemasis pocket holster for my S&W 442. It works fine with pants that have smaller, tighter pockets, but I have many pairs of pants that have larger, baggier pockets and cargo pockets. Often the holster comes out when I draw the revolver from these pants. It is as if I'm drawing from a five gallon plastic bucket. I don't blame the holster as much as the style of pants I am wearing.

I'm looking for a way to modify this holster to make it more effective. I'm thinking of applying double sided tape to it. Does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks.


If the holster had a provision for use with a belt you could put a short piece of thick, stiff leather through the belt-loop openings. Make it long enough to hang up on the opening of the pocket.

However, I see that yours does not. I'd look at trying to mount something to the holster using some high-quality velcro that performed the same function as the piece of leather would if the holster had belt-loops.


New member
I know you're looking for a way to modify your existing holster, but may I recommended the Desantis SuperFly? It's essentially the Nemesis with a tacky surface. It also comes with a removable outer flap which can help breakup the outline of the gun and make it more secure in larger pockets. Use the SuperFly for your baggier/bigger pockets and the Nemesis for the others.



New member
Cheap, simple, and un-doable, . . . take a short length of 1/2 or 5/8 inch rubber hose, . . . use white first aid tape, . . . tape the rubber hose to the back of your holster with several wraps of tape.

Position the hose so that when you reach for your weapon, . . . your thumb comes down exactly on that piece of rubber hose, . . . as you pull the weapon from the pocket, . . . push on the hose end with your thumb and drag the weapon against your thigh. The holster should shed easier than a rattler leaving his hide on a rock.

When you need to, . . . the holster will also fit your regular britches.

May God bless,