Modifying a Marlin model 60


New member
I would like to modify my model 60 to something more fun. Could I make it have pistol grips, front and rear, and maybe no stock without breaking any laws since it's tube fed? I figured I'd ask here to see if anyone knew before writing the ATF as that could take a while, if they ever respond. Thanks


New member
there is not a whole lot of options for the model 60

the ATI fiberforce stock is one:

i have doubts this is going to decrease your group size


New member
That is the one I origionaly planned on using. I still might. But I want to modify it to something more fun. I have other .22 to shoot for grouping. I just want something fun to shoot. Does anyone know the answer to my question? Thanks again.


New member
i wonder if the Muzzelite Bullpup for the 10-22 could be made to fit?

since this M60 is tube fed, it misses out on the 94 feature ban because the ban codifies a SAW as:

(B) a semiautomatic rifle that has an ability to accept a detachable magazine and has at
least 2 of -

(i) a folding or telescopic stock;
(ii) a pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon;
(iii) a bayonet mount;
(iv) a flash suppressor or threaded barrel designed to accommodate a flash suppressor;
(v) a grenade launcher;

you should be OK to add any of those features just be aware of NFA configurations

SBR (Short-barreled rifle) & Pistol configing a rifle are real issues.

A short barreled rifle is a rifle (which is defined as a shoulder
fired, rifled bore firearm) with a barrel length of less than 16",
or an overall length of less than 26", or any weapon made from a
rifle falling into the same length parameters (like a pistol made
from a rifle). In measuring barrel length you do it from the
closed breech to the muzzle, see 27 CFR sec. 179.11. To measure
overall length do so along, "the distance between the extreme ends
of the weapon measured along a line parallel to the center line of
the bore." 27 CFR sec. 179.11. On a folding stock weapon you
measure with the stock extended, provided the stock is not readily
detachable, and the weapon is meant to be fired from the shoulder.

check out Bardwells FAQ:


(M1) The types of firearms that must be registered in the National Firearm
Registration and Transfer Record are defined in the NFA and in 27 CFR Part
179. What are some examples?
Some examples of the types of firearms that must be registered are:
The frames or receivers of machineguns;
Any combination of parts designed and intended for use in
converting weapons into machineguns;
Any part designed and intended solely and exclusively for
converting a weapon into a machinegun;
Any combination of parts from which a machinegun can be assembled
if the parts are in the possession or under the control of a
Silencers and any part designed and intended for fabricating a
Short-barreled rifles;
Short-barreled shotguns;
Destructive devices; and,
"Any other weapons."
(M7) May a private citizen who owns an NFA firearm which is not registered
have the firearm registered?
No. An unregistered NFA firearm is a contraband firearm and it is
unlawful to possess the weapon. The possessor should contact the nearest ATF
office to arrange for its disposition.
[26 U.S.C. 5861(d)]
(M8) What can happen to someone who has an NFA firearm which is not registered
to him?
Violators may be fined not more than $250,000, and imprisoned not more
than 10 years, or both. In addition, any vessel, vehicle or aircraft used to
transport, conceal or possess an unregistered NFA firearm is subject to
seizure and forfeiture, as is the weapon itself.
[49 U.S.C. 781-788, 26 U.S.C. 5861, 26 U.S.C. 5872]
(M16) How does an individual obtain authorization to make an NFA firearm?
Prior to making the firearm, the individual must submit ATF Form 1,
Application to Make and Register a Firearm, to the Bureau of ATF, NFA Branch,
Washington, DC 20226, and receive approval. The applicant must follow the
procedures described in Question M15 concerning completion of the form,
including photographs, fingerprints and certifications. The applicant must
forward the original and a duplicate of the form along with a check or money
order for $200 made payable to the Bureau of ATF. If the application is
approved, the original of the form with the cancelled stamp affixed showing
approval will be returned to the applicant. Otherwise, the tax will be
[26 U.S.C 5822, 27 CFR 179.62-179.65]


New member
muzzellite bullpup

I checked out a muzzelite on a 10/22 at the last gun show I was at... hell, I bought the 10/22 so that I could put the stock on it.

But seeing it in person soured me a bit. It seemed too lightweight, and the seams didn't match up very well.

I keep telling myself that is because it is an older model, and probably got beat up a lot, but I haven't convinced myself that is the case yet.

I suggest you check one out in person before you plunge into the bullpup.

But hey, if the quality is acceptable, let me know, and I'll buy one.



New member

I have asked around about them. Most dealers will tell you the same thing: They are plinkers. It won't be what you are looking for if you want a tactical weapon, but they are good quality, and we have had very few returns.