modified sks


New member
i have a 54 sks ( i know its not a ar-15 and dont want to hear get a better weapon) i have tapco-ed it out and just orderd a scope and laser for it. my question is??? shorten the barrel or not? i have been told both and a cop/sniper friend of mine said he thought someone made a shorted barrel for it and i was needing more advise on this matter.


New member
If you get a shorter barrel will it mess with the gas system? A quick search pulled up new barrels, maybe cut down the one you have and if you can't get the gas system to work right then get a new barrel...

How short are you looking anyway?


New member
im just looking into options. cutting down the barrel isnt necessary, just want some good advise. i have other rifles just thinking abaout it. as far as to how short im thinking about losing the bayonet lug
If you are wanting to laser & scope it, try looking at ways to accurize the gun... I have ( granted it took a lot of work ) but shoots MOA... I can get 10 shot 2" groups at 200 yards shooting prone with it...

back in the Clinton era, it had a folding stock, & all the tactikool goodies... it now wears a montycarlo stock, barrel shortened, & recrowned, bedding work done, new sights, bayonette lug & front sling bar removed from the barrel, those hokey duck bill extended mags removed, & the fixed box & stripper clips back... the gun now shoots better than I can shoot it, & i've gotten better with the strippers than changing out the goofy magazines... I find I shoot it alot more that I did with the folder


New member
I'd say you aren't going to gain much by cutting. Be certain the scope mount is going to hold zero before you cut because you'll end up losing the front sight base unless you re-profile the barrel.

Your other option is to find a Norinco Paratrooper model that's already cut down and profiled.

I have to disagree about it becoming an AK, everyone is different but I find a Tapco SKS is a great deal more ergonomic than any AK. I've modified a couple SKS's and I've done it exactly because it isn't an AK.


New member
I would check over at the SKS boards. If i remember correctly there may be a sticky on how to turn it into what is called a para. If you cut the barrel down you will have to enlarge the gas port. You will find a lot of good info on the SKS over there. But mostly you will hear put it back to original specs.


New member
yes if it is the same sks boards i think you are talking about your right those folks think that is the only thing and they remind me of the frat-houses in animal house who think they are much more than they really are(i have been banned from that site because i told them as much) on my behalf they did send me a nasty e-mail about posting my barnett crossbow ... they have rules in there just to satisfy there existence...


New member
If you want a shorter barrel, then you might as well just shorten the one you have.

But it seems to me you want a better, more accurate gun. So, why shorten the gun? And why a laser?

I have an AK, and I noticed every Tapco product for them appear to be low quality. I'm sure the SKS isn't any better. I like the original wood stocks but the Monte Carlo SKS stocks aren't too bad looking either.


New member
no i live in texas and as far as i can tell so far the tapco stuff is great for my app in fact im lookin for an other sks to do the same thing too the wood stock was the ulgyest thing i ever seen as far as accurecy the weapon is spot on and i was only looking:eek: ... for options i have an ar-15 for the long stuff


New member
Lasers are useless outdoors during daylight hours.

I used to tac out my guns. Rails, optics, all that jazz.

Recently, I've decided to go back to basics. I'm finding I shoot better with irons than I do with my fancy red dots and scopes...


Slapping a bunch of accessories on a gun and chopping it up isn't going to make it shoot any better. Best thing you can do is learn the quirks of the gun, and decide if you two mesh. If not, sell it and buy another rifle.


New member
ridgerunner your absolutly right and your stuff looks great!! i got my sks for the purpose of doing just what im doing tac-ing it out, not for sniper compatitions or gun shows. more just to have something to do. no im not a gun expert, but i have been around this for a half century and i found out one important thing!! that is one application does not work for all people. i have allways bought what i have and left them stock this time im trying somthing new. and thank all of you for your imput as it is great!!! i have however decided to not shorten the barrel and btw i still have all org. parts for the sks so if i do want to put it back i wont have to weld it back on lol


New member
I'd also recommend the Tech Sight system for the SKS. If you like AR irons, then you'll love the TS200 sight. Add one of their target front posts and it will be a whole different rifle.

Last time I added one I had to cut away some material on the stock, behind the receiver. I would never do that to an original wood stock, but I have no issues with cutting a T6 stock. It's been a while since I've done it, maybe they changed the design so a relief cut is no longer necessary.