"Modernized" AK


New member
Well I got bored and Stagpanther getting a new AK inspired jealously so I dug out my last remaining Saiga sporter and build a 'modern' AK version for fun its about the only style I lack.
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New member
Looks like fun, I hate when I get an idea stuck in my head and I cant move on lol. It always ends up costing me money but in the end I am usually happy with the outcome. Let us know how she shoots when done with the trigger swap.


New member
That Npap pistol is sweet. Reminds me of the time we were shooting a rifle match in low light. One kid had a pistol just like that, I was running the timer, his buddy was behimd me filming. Every time the shooter wpuld pull the trigger there would be a 2' flame and the accompanying flash, my self and the filmer would laugh. By the end of the run we were both winded from laughing so much. Good times.


New member
Ha you had me confused for a second! The pistol is a mini draco actually I've got a pap I need to build up still but yeah that mini is a flame thrower.


New member
BTW--I ended up putting PSA's stock trigger back in, I really didn't notice any significant improvement in accuracy by having a lighter trigger pull. Jard told me having the trigger spring exposed on the floor of the receiver was normal and not to worry--but my gut feeling is that it would eventually end up popping out and then the weapon goes down.


New member
If you find that trigger lacking, consider Tapco's G2. When I converted my Saiga, I dropped one of these in and it improved the overall "fireability" of the rifle significantly. But then, the stock trigger was pretty crappy. Enjoy your AK; Gen. Kalashnikov is now famous for a very good reason (and it's not his vodka).