Model 70:Timney Trigger or Work on the Original


New member
I have a later model 70 and the trigger for lack of a better word is terrible.This is a hunting rifle and 4 or 5 pounds will be OK. But,I can't stand the creep.Can a good gunsmith get the travel out of this trigger,or should I buy a Timney.


New member
A gunsmith can tune the trigger on a Model 70 to a very fine, crisp, drag-free, creep-free 2.5-3.5 pounds. But it will cost as much or more than a Timney trigger.


New member
Bold makes a fully adjustable trigger that's every bit as good as Timney but cheaper. It just has an aluminum housing.

James K

Member In Memoriam
Model 70 triggers from the factory ranged from pretty good to horrible. Changing springs could help, but it is no substitute for good trigger work by a competent gunsmith.



New member
I ran into a problem about seven years ago getting trigger work done by a good gunsmith. The good gunsmith up here is 70 miles away. So, I had to make a 140 mile round trip to drop off the rifle, then months later make the same 140 mile round trip to pick it up. Yep, not weeks later, but months later. The guy is good, and with being good, lots of people take work to him. He prioritizes his work, and I fall into his queue just like everyone else.
So, I decided to start doing my own trigger jobs. I bought the AGI Armorers Trigger Course and studied it, then got at triggers for my own personal rifles.
My point here is, if you decide to have a good gunsmith do your trigger, it may take some time before you get your rifle back. If you buy a Timney, you can drop it in a few minutes and be off to the range shooting the rifle without any wait.


James K

Member In Memoriam
All true. I am (or at least was) a gunsmith, and tend to forget that other folks have to put up with delays and long drives as opposed to just grabbing a screwdriver and a stone.



New member
Well,I took it to the gunsmith.He agreed that the trigger was terrible.I told him 4 pounds and get the creep out.He said he would have it fixed in 2 to 3 weeks.