Model 66 sights


New member
So, I've been stretching the legs of my new to me Model 66-2. And I thoroughly enjoy it.

However, I'm not a fan of the rear target sight.

Anybody have good suggestions for a replacement? Is it even feasible?

I generally shoot the "FBI Load" .38 Specials or 158 gran SJSP .357 loads.

I primarily use it as a secondary hunting gun, night stand gun, or bowling pin gun.


New member
Some clarification in order to make a recommendation:
What are the sights on it, now?
And what don't you like about them?


New member
Currently, the gun sports the factory S&W adjustable target sights that came on the gun from the factory. (I'm the second owner)

I don't like the height of the blades nor the narrowness of the view slit.


New member
The width of the view is easy enough to cure.
Just widen it with a suitable file.
The height of the blade might be changed with a different blade if others are available or the existing one could be modified.
Shouldn't be difficult.
All the usual sources have replacement sights if you want to go that route.
Brownells, Midwayusa, 'etc.


New member
The height of the rear sight blade is closely related to the height of the front sight.
If you put a lower rear sight on, the front sight would need to be significantly higher.

The easiest option is to widen the rear sight notch.
Any competent gunsmith can do this with a few educated strokes of a safe-edge Swiss needle file.

Other options are the Extreme Duty FIXED rear sights made by Cylinder & Slide Shop.
These are fixed sights that drop in.
They also sell a variety of fiber optic front and rear sights for the S&W.