Model 586

Harry Callahan

New member
Hey everyone. I have a bit of a problem. I bought a 586 6" nickle plated beauty back in 87. Problem is the front screw that holds the sight on the frame keeps backing out after every trip to the range. Any suggestions? Oversize screw?


New member
I had that problem with my 66-1 4". I took a q-tip with a little of the wife's clear nail polish on it , swabbed the screw and set it in place. No problems since. Blue locktite works too ,but IMHO works too well sometimes ,as in hope you don't ever need to back that screw out. Regards 18DAI.


New member
A little blue loctite should work just fine, but if you're really worried about needing to take it off in the future use purple.

fairview mick

New member
screw backing out

Hey, Calahan.
Pliubus has the right answer, although you can go a little further with red "Locktite". But if you have to remove it at any time, you will have to use a heat gun or hot hair dryer. Also, if anyone has to work on it, advise them of the locktite.