Model 19/66 for IDPA


New member
I shot my first IDPA match last Sunday. I achieved my goals of being safe, and not embarassing myself. I shot my HK USPF 40 duty pistol from my work rig. There was one fello there (my shooting partner said he was an IDPA champion) shooting a S&W Model 625. He was the fastest revolver shooter I've ever seen in person (and I'm an old school revolver shooter from back when Horace asked me, "What about counter clockwise?" ) That 625 sounded like an MP5, and I'm still trying to figure out how he reloaded it, even using moon clips. With those facts in mind, I'm still thinking about going next time with a revolver. I've got an old M19-4 4" thats been carried by me, and shot alot. I'm more accurate with it, than any other handgun. Does anyone else shoot a M19/66 in IDPA ? Any advice/experience is appreciated. Keep in mind I'm an old dog, and this does constitute new tricks. Regards 18DAI.


New member
Model 66

I have used my 66 during quite a few matches but mostly the Glock now. I still shoot the 66 sometimes, great gun. You really can't get the reloads down as fast as a good hand with full moon clips but with some practice you can get fast. I have beat out several moon clip users. I prefer the HKS speedloaders but the Safariland might be quicker. I just could never get the hang of them after using the turn knob ones for the last 25+ years. Capacity and reload times are the only handicap against a semiauto. Do make sure not to use SWC ammo for the simple reason that the step on the bullet can hang up during a reload. I always use RNL reloads. Hogue rubber grips are not the most attractive things but they sure do work. I also prefer a smooth highly polished trigger with no sharp edges at all and chamfered charge holes. Good luck.

Jim Watson

New member
K-smiths are fine IDPA SSR guns. They shoot .38s at power factor 125, now the moonclip guns have to make power factor 165 since most are in .45 and some 10mm.

All you need is your sixgun, holster, a hatful of speedloaders (Safariland is faster than anything except maybe the unobtainable German SL Variant.) and carriers for three of them.

Remember, you will not be competing against the autos, revolvers are in their own Divisons. Except in your heart of course.

Mas Ayoob

New member
Good advice here.
18DAI, Curt Nichols won the National IDPA Stock Service Revolver Championship last month with a 4" Model 19, IIRC.

Deaf Smith

New member

I use a old mousy M15, 'combat masterpiece' for my IDPA revolver. I ground off the SA notch, turned it into a RB, put on old Rogers combat grips (plastic), and a few Safariland speedloaders. I'm good to go and I've got a few expert state trophies with that shooter.

You don't need a fancy gun. Just lot's of practice.