model 10 parts kits


New member
The frame by it self is considered a firearm and must be sold with all the required paper work


New member
Not to say they don't, but I haven't seen it personally. I'd venture a guess and say that: 1, Law enforcement agencie's evidence folks tend to destroy the frames when needed (fewer frames). 2, The frame is what gets goobered up by improper bbl installation(more frames ruined- less supply). 3, That's where the SN is and fewer folks can sell that portion of the magnificent tool. 4, And, Oh crud, I forgot where I was going there. But anyway, good luck in finding one. You may have to call a lot of gunsmiths, but in the matters of such things persistance pays off.


New member
Parts kits? Well good luck getting it to run. It ain't like putting together a 1911 from parts. You will find out soon enough. Unless the planets just happen to align right and you are lucky.


New member
Well good luck getting it to run.

Luck?! It is more of a challenge but if the shoulder of the barrel should need turning and you don't have a lathe, you might be out of luck.


New member
Revolvers are very "old school", and unlike automatics, the barrel and cylinder assembly are totally hand fitted at the factory.

They don't just "drop in", and require a lot of very educated fitting and some expensive tooling.
Want to build a pistol, buy a 1911 kit.


New member
Luck? Not as much as "determination". I've got a decent 10-5 that I built up from a bare frame... and access to lots of bucket parts and a well equiped GS shop I worked in. Yup, it takes time, precise measurements, very careful stoning with quality stones. But if that's what trips a guy's trigger, then there's no reason why he shouldn't attempt to tackle the job. He may even find he's got a knack for it.


New member

I know a few German master tool and die makers and gunsmiths that can do things with a simple file that are hard to believe.

By taking on a job like that, you can find the gunsmith in yourself. I did.

As I always say, if you draw a horse for a kid and the kid says "woof-woof", you probably ain't it. No matter how many classes you attend.


New member
The problem with assembling a revolver from used parts is, when some critical parts were originally fitted they were stoned to fit.
This means that when you attempt to install them in a different frame, they may be TOO SMALL.

No amount of stoning can make a part that's too small to start with "fit".

As 10-96 said, "IF" you have bins full of parts you may be able to select parts that can be fitted, but the chances of buying a revolver parts "kit" and having them fit a different frame are very small.

Same thing holds with ordering another part from a parts house hoping it will fit. It too may already be too small to be fitted.

Again, revolvers are not like automatics. Parts don't just drop in with little or no fitting.


New member
I looked at those Model 10 parts kits too, but around here you can still find old model 10's with some wear in the $200 range. You might be ahead to buy a cheap beat up one, and re-finish or customize it.