Model 1 Sales?


New member
Do any of you guys have experience with Model 1 sales? How would you describe them? Responsive? Slow? Incompetent (I attempted an order from and that's a word I'd use for them). Are their products quality? Also, when you buy an upper, are the flash-hiders typically permanent, or is that something I'd have to call and ask?


New member
I ordered a kit from them in March, just got it in early November. They told me when I ordered that there would be a long wait, but if you're in a hurry you may be disappointed. They were always responsive when I called them on the phone, never tried emailing them though. No complaints about the quality of the parts, the rifle looks great and is as accurate as I had hoped for.

One of the mags I got with my order was defective; I called them and they told me to send it back and they would send me 2 mags to replace it, which I received within a week. Very satisfied with how they handled that.

One caveat; the company that did their CC processing got hacked and a lot of folks started seeing fraudulent charges after ordering from M1S, myself included (small charges like Itunes,TweetCash and the like). I would hope they have corrected the problem by now but you should be aware.


New member
I ordered a kit from them a few years ago and could not be any happier, Had great customer service and no problems with any of the parts or service. I would pay with a money order if I were you to avoid any CC problems.


New member
Depends on what you get.

If you buy their assembled rifles, then perhaps you will not get top-tier parts in all areas. For completed receivers/kits, I prefer CMMG or BCM or DelTon. But I've had good luck in buying specific parts from M1S that either they have that no others have or that are sourced as commodity items. Examples would be Shaw barrels, stripped receivers, and YHM manufacturered bits.

They clearly have a business model that has them buying AR15 bits at the cheapest cost and making kits/units out of them. Three/four years ago, before the AR boom really hit, that often meant that some of their small bits were simply not close to spec. The AR boom seems to have helped them step up a bit; I can only surmise that they are simply exposed to a better quality of part these days.

I have bought at least one completed rifle from them - a retro A1 built around a Colt 1:7" pencil barrel that they stumbled into - and it's been quite reliable.


New member
I've bought several complete uppers from them over the last two years and their products and service have both been excellent. Granted, their component parts may not be top of the line, but then again, I don't go to Wal Mart to buy match ammo either. The folks at Model 1 fill a specific budget niche and, IMHO, they do it quite well