Mod. 70 barrel


New member
Hi folks,
A friend of mine left a Mod. 70, .243 wet for a couple of weeks and destroyed the finish on everything. He used the opportunity to have the gun rebarreled and gave me the old barrel. The gun was a tack driver when he had it, and I would like to use that barrel. How hard (and expensive) would it be to find all the parts needed (stock, receiver, bolt, whatever else) and create a new gun from just the barrel I have? Is it worth considering? Would I end up spending more than I would on a new gun? TIA :confused: :) :confused:


New member
If it is a standard factory barrel, you could find a donor receiver for it and give it a try, but you will end up with more invested than the project will be worth most likely. There is also a chance the bore is rusted as well as the outside. You will still have to have the barrel refinished as well so that can cost even more money.

You can buy the model 700ADL with a .243 barrel for around $370. By the time you find a receiver and someone fit the barrel to that receiver, you could have bought a hundred dollars worth of ammo and the 700 and been enjoying the gun.

Unless you can find the receiver very cheap, I would say just find another gun and use it. Then if you decide to upgrade the barrel, go with a good aftermarket barrel and have yourself a very good shooting gun.

Harry Bonar

New member

How have you been? I've been reading all your posts and when I see your name I just shut-up - your posts are so good.
Brings up something I SAW myself. Charlie Shaner, now deceased called me one day and asked me to come over (I was scared to death of his stare - he was an old WWII Navy man).
He had a new looking post 64 Winchester Mod. 70 marked on bbl. with 243 Winchester and the proof mark.
One thing was missing - the chamber!!!!!
Not a sign of a chamber cut - yet it was proofmarked!
Oh! Boy! ???????????????????????????????????????????????
Harry B.


New member

Harry, that might be the all time best one yet. I have seen just one other that was short chambered and it too had the proof mark on it. Amazing what the idots that work in the factory these days let slip out the door isn't Harry.

Thanks for the kind words Harry, I have truly been blessed to have been able to read your posts as well. I haven't been too busy lately myself. Still getting over back surgery this past year and now having to start over once again since the wife and I are splitting up. Guess she couldn't handle living with a smith any longer. Those that are smiths know what I am talking about. I am having to move all of my stuff and my entire shop out and into a storage unit until I can find a new shop. Just one more reason against working out of the backyard I guess, but it sure is nice to be able to walk to work and back when you want too. Take care Harry and keep me in your prayers if you will.


Harry Bonar

New member

You bet I will! I don't know how these women work - niether did Freud!
I don't know what our society is coming to!

On the bbl. I can't believe my eyes either. How did that thing make it through Winchester plant? It was the parent bbl too - from the factory. The customers complaint, " I cant get a shell in my gun."
I'm genuinly sorry to hear of the misfortune happening to you - hope the back gets better.

I think I remember in the vows, "in sickness and health."

Harry B.
This bbl wasn't short chambered - there was NO chamber in it!!!!!!
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New member
Yea, I thought I remembered something about it as well....... Thanks Harry.

That was the complaint I had when the guy brought the one to me. I figured he had to have bought the barrel from someone else but like the one you saw, the proof mark was right there. They were kind enough to apologize and I sent the gun back to them and got it taken care of.