MOA adjustment


New member
Looking for help. Starting place anyhow

243-107 Serria Matchkings-6MMBR 30" 1-7 twist
300 yard zero, Going to shoot 1000 yards
271.4 inch drop- per JBL Ballistics.
1/4 MOA scope
Altitude-1686 ft

MOA Adjustment ?
How many Clicks ?.

I come up with about 135 clicks, Sound close?. My records from last year are, well they are there somewhere :eek:

I know Humidity and such will also come into play, but just a ball park starting figure.
Lemme see if I can do this -- I don't mess with scopes or long range all that much.

1 MOA is 1 inch at 100 yards, so 1 MOA is 10 inches at 1000 yards.

You need to adjust by 271 inches, which is 271/10 = 27 MOA.

If your scope needs 4 clicks to adjust 1 minute, then you need 27x4 = 108 clicks.

4runnerman said:
I know Humidity and such will also come into play, but just a ball park starting figure.
I don't think humidity or altitude enters into it. They affect the drop, but you already calculated the drop. Those variables have already been accounted for.


New member
1 MOA does equal exactly 1" at 100 yards. At that range, it's close enough (1.047"). At 1000 yards, the difference starts to matter a little more (10.47").

There are several free ballistics programs available online that will give you an acceptable calculation. There are also some very good downloadable Android and iPhone apps that only cost a few dollars.


New member
All info from BC programs need to be confirmed on targets at the distance you are shooting.

But that's not what you are asking.

An example, I'll use some of my data:

I Zero my M1903A4 at 300 yards. At 1000 I would have to come up about 297 inches (296.8 to be exact) Using on inch per hundred yards that would be 29.7 inches. My scope isn't in inches, its in MOA. At 1000 yards I would come up 28.3 MOS. That's a difference of 10.5 inches.

So convert to MOA instead of inches. One MOA = 1.047 inches. .047 isn't much up close but it is at 1000 yards.

My scope has 1/2 MIN Clicks which means I have to come up 57 clicks from 300 to 1000. Most scopes have 1/4 Min clicks, that would be 114 clicks to get to 1000.

Using your 271.4 drop in inches you'd have to come up 25.9 MOA instead of 27.14. Or 103.7 clicks on your 1/4 MOA scope.


New member
Kraigwy- That is what JBL said to-25.9. Not really sure where I got 135 clicks from. Looked at my paper and it shows 25.9 too. It's been a year now since I stretched out that far, so-Learn it all over again. I know it is going to be a Blast though. 13 days and counting for it.

G willikers- That is what I do to finish up, but one needs a starting point or you might go through a lot of ammo to get on target.

Last year I would fire 5 shots and drive to target to see where I hit,Back to bench, shoot 5 more, back to target. All said and done I put on 13 plus miles going back and forth in the truck. Been looking at one of those computer gizmo's that show you where you hit. Both wife and me a Apple Phones, but she won't let me put her phone by the Target and use FaceTime, Hmmm, not sure why she is so tight about it:D


New member
You could save wear and tear on your truck if you had a friend willing to be downrange with a walkie talkie.
Oh right, we have phones now.
I was at a long range rifle match way back, when that's how they were scoring.
The RO on the line communicated with a guy down near the targets.
Not as bad as it sounds, the guy downrange was hiding behind a dirt berm slightly uprange.
Worked pretty good when things were still primitive and crude.


New member
Aguila- nanny Cam?. Are they wireless?. I keep looking at the ones on line, but $600.00 for them. Someday I will just have to bite the bullet and get one.

G willikers-- Not sure I would want to try that. The target is set by a very large hill, but most times I am by myself. I figure the drive every 5 shots gives my barrel a chance to cool down too.
Going to bump my load up 1.3 Gns of Varget and see what happens. If it falls apart I will go back to old load. I have been shooting 28.8 gns Varget, But I Did a few last week ( only 300 yards) with 30.1 and the groups were very good. I just hate putting my brass through that kind of load though. Can't wait for this all to start up again, Winter is a long time to sit around waiting.

44 AMP

You MAY not have that much adjustment in your scope!!

ITs easy to find out, you need over 100 clicks for your 1/4 min scope to zero for 1000yds, simply start with your present zero and adjust up, counting the clicks (so you can adjust back down to the right spot)

IF you don't run out of adjustment before you get to 100 (or 103 or 4) then you are in business. I bet you WILL run out, before you get there.

If you do, then you either need to mount a different scope (one with a larger range of adjustment), OR get a mount that angles the scope higher for long distance shooting.

Good Luck!


New member
44AMP- I do have it, I have 70 MOA of adjustment, so If ( heavy on the IF ) I have 35 MOA up and 35 MOA down-Right. I have taken this rifle out to well over 1000 yards with same scope and still had adjustment left to play with. I have a Friend that has about 20 Acres of old sand pit, Called him last night and he said no problem to come out there and get her sighted in. I don't get to shoot that far to often, so I just forgot how many clicks is was. I know there is going to be some big time shooters at this Match as it is the first one of the year and everyone is dying to get out and shoot.
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