MMM San Antonio


Staff Emeritus
Last Monday I attended my second and last MMM meeting.

(Read about the first meeting at: )

The meeting started late because all the “wheels” were in another meeting.

I tried to cement my relationship with the two POMC (Parents of Murdered
Children) representatives. They were gracious and expressed their
appreciation for my interest in their goals. Many TFLers also endorse these
goals: put violent criminals away and keep them there.

When the meeting started Susan Ives presented the final draft of their MMM
brochure. Apparently it was close to the national MMM brochures.

Today’s march is an invitation to come together as a community to create
a culture of love, caring, peace and justice where our children are safe and do
not live in fear their lives will be cut short by a gunshot.”

Their total thrust appears to be to “... create a new San Antonio where our
children are protected from gun violence, gun accidents, and the terrible
temptation of gun suicide.”

Inside the brochure are 12 steps to their concept of peace. Every step
mentions guns - as though guns cause violence.

When I saw the brochure I stated this was not what they had told me the
previous week. Susan Ives grinned.

I believe they think they pulled a coup by drawing me in and neutralizing me.
If so, there are problems with their plan:

1. I wasn’t actively fighting them. They neutralized nothing.
2. They proved themselves to be terribly deceptive. They not only deceived
me (they think), but they showed their deceptive side to their own members
and guests.
3. They gave me first-hand confirmation of their treachery.
4. They gave me first-hand knowledge that they care nothing about truth,
facts, peace, love, or justice. They are just another shill for Handgun Control,
5. They care nothing about children because they never even alluded to the
major killers of kids: vehicle crashes, child abuse, drowning, negligent
overdoses of drugs of *all* kinds, etc. etc.
6. They gave me first-hand knowledge to express on TFL and to anyone else
who will listen.
7. They gave me the chance to show their members and guests that gun
owners are NOT evil. I was courteous and made some contacts with
organizations MMM (and therefore HCI) was trying to court exclusively.
8. I now have a long list of interesting e-mail addresses for people I can use
to sow seeds of truth. Remember the Rosie boards?
9. If I can get some other things done, the MMMs might see little fat
Grandpa handing out opposing literature.

There’s more, but you get the idea. I don’t feel my time was wasted and I
thank Steve the Gunner for compelling me to go into the belly of the Beast.

I thank all the folks who gave me support and warnings in this venture. We
lost nothing, folks, but a few hours time. We presented gun owners as
reasonable, kind, careful people in the eyes of those who fear and loathe us.
Increasing the awareness that gun owners and even guns are not the enemy
is *not* wasted effort.

Only time will tell if our efforts bear fruit.


Staff Alumnus
Somehow, I'm not surprised. :(

Dennis, thanks for at least making the effort. I certainly wouldn't have the fortitude to confront the beast in its lair.


New member
Dennis, if it helps, I have a little more fuel for your fire concerning Susan Ives. I've mentioned some of this before, but here's somewhat of an update.

As a member of the Alamo PC group, I recieve a monthly news letter / magazine. Susan Ives usually writes an article or two for this. In the April issue, she wrote an article about building web pages. Throughout the entire article, she made about ten refrences to the MMM. I personally found this unacceptable as I didn't read this computer magazine to hear about her political views.

I chose to talk to her about it at the monthly meeting and see what was going on. However, at the first mention of my concerns she told me that it was my tough luck and to take it up with the editor. As I did just that, she then chose to get in on the conversation.

Her excuse, if you want to call it that, was that she had no ill intentions, and that this MMM web page she made constant refrence to was only something that she happened to be working on at the time and that she had no association with it - it was just a client's page. As the editor explained to me that he didn't care much for guns either, and that none of this bothered him, I reaized that I wasn't going to get anywhere that night. I also had a feeling that there was more going on than what was being said - not that that wasn't enough on its own.

The interesting thing was to turn the radio on yesterday only to hear Susan Ives being talked to as the guest of the radio station. It turns out (as we all know now) that she IS the local coordinator for the MMM here in San Antonio. This just goes to show the kind of people we are dealing with hear. They will say whatever they need to in order to get their false and misleading information across - much in the same way as their anti-gun leader in the white house.

Either way, I realize that none of this makes much of a difference in the big picture, but I just wanted to help show the truth behind another Rosie gun grabber.

I hope this helps.
Dennis is leaving out the few positive points though, the local MMM has been slapped silly on local radio, the major news stations have been avoiding her, she has been besieged by pro-gun faxes and phone calls and reporters questioning her socialistic views and the utter cruelness of her backers on the local web page. She's been so embattled the last week she has failed to produce one news release.

I think in San Antonio we might be looking at a 20 mom march.

Your brother in arms,

Steve Moody


Staff Emeritus
msd and Steve,
Thanks, guys! That's useful info!
Now we keep on fighting on every level - using tactics applicable to each level.

However, I will NOT be at the anti-MMM tomorrow. My daughter just presented us with a perfect little girl! 7 lb 3 oz; 19.5 inches long.

Loren Ashley Weeks is perfect in every way and my wife and I will be at the hospital on Sunday.

There will be other chances.

Oh, BTW, let's not forget that the San Antonio MMM is a product of the PEACEcenter which apparently is an offshoot of the downtown Lutheran Church. If I understood correctly, two members of the MMM committee are (female) pastors!

IF that's correct, it is not only the Methodists who are trying to usurp the power of the people.

Steve, I think you are more up to speed on this than I am. (I haven't seen TV or listened to much radio in weeks.)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!


New member
The "Ware Pair" and Carl Wigglesworth on AM 550 have done a fantastic job of exposing the fraud behind the MMM. Even Elisa Sonnyland (a pretty liberal radio personality) has been sympathetic to gun owners recently. The city of San Antonio is on our side; unfortunately, federal policy does not emanate from south TX, but from socialists living in a bubble called DC.
Dennis: Congrats!!! (Even though you didn't do it yourself!! :))

The evening news is on as I write this and they just reported the MMM.

"Millions of American women are preparing to march in 60 cities across America in an attempt to get sane gun laws." (Not a true quote, cause it's from memory -- but close enough)

They showed as background footage: Columbine, and some cops loading a heap of weapons onto a table -- full-autos; sawn-off shotguns; semi-auto handguns with silencers -- obviously contraband to anyone who knows guns -- but to the ordinary viewer, another nail in our coffin. ("Jeez, they have these things?? Better get the laws strengthened real quick!")

It was sick-making.


One of the board members of the peacecenter is a Lutheran pastor, the other said she is waiting to become one.

I remember from the first meeting that the peacecenter building is rented from the Lutheran church for $1 per year.

Maybe it's time to pressure the church and get the peacecenter booted. I'll try to come up with some contact points.



Staff Emeritus

Maybe I should offer to rent the center for TWO dollars a year!

(It would be a good place to hold CHL classes! LOL!)