MMM in Las Vegas

Arizona Eric

New member
Whoa! Had lotsa fun protesting today! I was a little young for the 1960s, so I wasn't about to let this opp get away. Went to Vegas as it was closer than PHX. Held a sign for most of the day that said, "It's a freedom thing, you wouldn't understand," then subbed in "Gun control is racist." Booed the speakers, was on TV (I think), and I will check the Review-Journal tomorrow for pix.

Almost got in a fight with an MMM guy who was uncivil enough to call me a "jackass." Called him a few uncivil things back and things might have gotten uglier if the place wasn't saturated with cops. Sometimes civil discourse must yield to good old fashioned insults and fisticuffs.

Overall, a good way to spend a Sunday.

Et tu?

Was a little disappointed not to see my acquaintances from out there. They didn't have to drive 100 miles like I did!