MMM - any direct knowledge of their Democratic ties?

Jeff Thomas

New member
It's clear from watching the growth of the so-called Million Mom March that they are receiving significant financial and political help.

We know the connection of Donna Dees-Thomases to Hillary Clinton, and the media. And, George Soros and other donors have been pumping big money into this anti-self defense movement. They've also merged with the Bell Campaign, a virulently anti-self defense group.

I read an article recently from the NY Times about this growth, and I think it was on TFL as well.

Does anyone here know of what other assistance the MMMer's have been receiving, especially from the Democrats? At this point, the MMMer's seem to be nearly an alter-ego of the Democratic Party, and I have a keen interest in those connections.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

Live and let live. Regards from AZ


By law, if you write or go to their office and ask, they must give you a copy of their 990 tax form since the operated as a 501(c)3 for at least part of the year. As a 501(c)4 they must disclose individual donors. I'd be interested in knowing how many of the TFL's contacted the IRS about this besides me. It seems that a few of the Demo's have come out of the closet with charges on Reno. If we could go to each of our congresscritters with a charge that X amount of people contacted the IRS about the tax status of the MMM and they did nothing one wonders? Maybe a letter with a cc to the local newspaper editor or some of the large chains like Cox newservice. I wonder if we shouldn't have been doing that all along?