Mmda Wants 'tanod' Armed By December


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Copyright 2023 Philippine Daily Inquirer
Philippine Daily Inquirer

October 2, 2023


LENGTH: 629 words


BYLINE: Christian V. Esguerra and Nelson F. Flores


THE METROPOLITAN Manila Development Authority (MMDA) wants to have an army of fully armed barangay tanod or watchmen by December to combat terrorism.

At the weekly Bulong Pulungan forum at the Westin Philippine Plaza Hotel in Pasay City yesterday, MMDA

Chair Bayani Fernando defended the training of about 18,000 tanod, saying they could help prevent the spate of terrorist activities in Metro Manila.

"It's better to arm more good people than to have armed bad people," Fernando told reporters. Fernando, whose agency had been tapped by President Macapagal-Arroyo to draw up plans against terrorist attacks in the metropolis, was optimistic that village watchmen would effectively augment the undermanned police force.

"Police can't do the job alone, they need help," he said.

He said the watchmen would undergo a stringent selection process before they could join the training which would be facilitated by the Philippine National Police. He said they would also be made to undergo physical and psychological examinations before they could be issued firearms.

"Only morally upright tanod will be armed," he said.

Despite the recent bombing incidents in Metro Manila and Zamboanga, several sectors have expressed fear that arming barangay watchmen to combat terrorism might lead to abuses.

Councilor Don Ramon Bagatsing, minority floor leader of the Manila city council, had called for a more comprehensive study of the proposal to arm village watchers. He said the plan would not necessarily be effective against crime or terrorism, but might only result in the proliferation of guns in the streets.

Fernando said concerns similar to Bagatsing's would be carefully addressed by the PNP and the local governments.

"We will train the tanod for as long as we need them," he
said. "I hope we would have them ready by Christmas."

In Mandaluyong, Mayor Benjamin Abalos Jr. asked all barangay watchmen and security personnel in the city to undergo bomb detection training.

Abalos, in a meeting with barangay officials, private security personnel, local businessmen and church leaders, said the Mandaluyong government in cooperation with the PNP would sponsor seminars and trainings on bomb detection.

"It is not enough that barangay watchmen or security personnel check the bags of people coming in and out of establishments," he said. "They should be able to identity bombs and respond accordingly.''

He said the Mandaluyong government has mobilized more than 2,000 policemen, barangay watchmen and volunteers in the fight against terrorism.

The Pasig City police have set up tight security measures in "probable target areas.''

Supt. John Socito, Pasig city police chief, said his men were on red alert and were constantly patrolling areas likely to be hit by terrorists.

"We are ready for any eventuality even as we continue to do our routine work of maintaining peace and order,'' Socito said.

Pasig Mayor Soledad Eusebio urged the city's residents to be calm but alert.

Eusebio said even barangay officials were placed on alert to help the police force.

Eusebio made her appeal after one of the offices of the Pasig City Regional Trial Court received a phoned-in bomb threat shortly before noon, prompting the police to evacuate the court premises. The employees of the nearby city prosecutors' office and the Rizal Provincial RTC and prosecutors' office were also evacuated.

But no bomb was found after police combed the entire place for an hour. Police later allowed the evacuated employees to return to work.

Superintendent Socito said the threat was made by pranksters but he refused to elaborate.

"Maybe the bomb threat was made by court litigants who do not want to attend their hearings,'' he said.