Mixing Lot Numbers


New member
I have two cans of AA3100 powder and I want to mix what's left in them and use the result to finish off the powder since I'm switching to something different. I've loaded the same cases, bullets, primers with each of these powder lots separately and fired them over my chrony with same velocity results.

Any reason why this might be a bad idea? I'm planning on making some middle of the road loads power-wise so I won't be very close to the max.


New member
I would not do it

That said is there a reason, plenty of them. The main reason I would not do it is accuracy will suffer. Just finish out each lot, when you get to the end chuck the containers and go get some more. Mark your reloads according to what canister it came out of. It is never a good idea to mix powders. You may get away with it this time but then you will have gotten in the habit and it is a bad one. Leave the mixing in the kitchen with stuff about as powerful as flower and water:D


New member
Go ahead, mix em up. Just remember you have created a new lot number and you must follow the #1 rule of handloading. That is, Anytime you change a component you must back down and start your load development over.

If you mix them do you have enough to start over with load development? If not, I would keep them separate.


New member
If you're not shooting in a bullseye competition I would go ahead and combine them and not fret about it. Just stay with the standard published load data and you will be fine.


New member
If you are max or over max, or your loads show signs of high pressure (or OVER pressure!) then it's a bad idea.

If your loads are under max and you don't notice high pressure in them then you are good to go, but you may not get the same exact velocity, consistency, or point of aim you had been getting. (but then again, you may, too)

When I'm down near the bottom of a can, I mix it in to the next can. I don't see a problem with it. I also don't see a difference in performance.